Recent content by Raketa10

  1. Raketa10

    Hansi Flick

    Flick agreed to a lower salary than Xavi had, so your theory makes no sense.
  2. Raketa10

    Hansi Flick

    I don't get this "physical preparation emphasis" argument. It was Niko Kovac who prepared Bayern team for that sextuple season and not Hansi Flick. Niko Kovac is well known lunatic who puts tremendous weight on phisical preparation. When he was Croatian NT manager our players hated his guts...
  3. Raketa10

    João Laporta

    I hope that in 2026 we will get a new president. We need a young and competent president who will have a clear vision. The way Laporta handles things recently is simply disgraceful.
  4. Raketa10

    Let's talk about Xavi's replacement (2024)

    Well yes if alternative is Flick.
  5. Raketa10

    Let's talk about Xavi's replacement (2024)

    First, you can't claim that Motta and De Zerbi are similar cases. No on can claim that simply because we don't know what will happen in the future. Second, Motta already has a longer managerial club career than Flick. Third, we'll see how that "dying" NT will perform in Euro. Finally, if we are...
  6. Raketa10

    Let's talk about Xavi's replacement (2024)

    We should go for Motta. Flick basically had one good season in his entire life and that was during Covid when he inherited team after Kovac was fired. Furthermore, he was awful with German NT. I honestly can't understand why people think that he is the solution for our problems?!?! To me it...
  7. Raketa10

    Mikel Arteta

    For what exactly? :lol:
  8. Raketa10

    Let's talk about Xavi's replacement (2024)

    Nothing here indicating that Laporta had a serious fallout with Motta. IMHO Motta should be a number 1 candidate to take over if Xavi gets fired.
  9. Raketa10

    Let's talk about Xavi's replacement (2024)

    Laporta had a falling out with Motta? When? What was the reason? IMHO Motta is the best candidate to take over right now. He basically ticks all the boxes.
  10. Raketa10

    João Laporta

    This guy already acted like a complete moron in the case of Leo Messi. People tend to forget that he lied many times already. Additionally, with Koeman he also acted like a jackass. We can all agree that Koeman was horrible. However, there is always a way to fire a manager without looking like a...
  11. Raketa10

    João Laporta

    If he fires Xavi after he begged him to stay few weeks ago than he is a complete idiot and he should resign. A clown club with clown president.
  12. Raketa10

    19 - Vitor Rawke

    Well that's a fair point. However, I can't understand why is a one year loan so unacceptable for this kid and his manager? It's not like he is a 25y old well established player. We are talking about a 19y old kid who desperately needs minutes on the pitch.
  13. Raketa10

    19 - Vitor Rawke

    He hasn't. However, there must be a reason for that and I refuse to believe it's some kid of personal issue. In vast majority of cases it's about players attitude and players performance during training sessions. I simply can't believe that Xavi has some kind of personal issues with this kid. It...
  14. Raketa10

    19 - Vitor Rawke

    The moment your manager needs to advocate for you you are probably finished for your coach and club. If he has one brain cell alive in his brain he will shut the fuck up and go out on a loan. What the hell did he think? That he will come to Barca as 19y old kid and have guaranteed playing time...
  15. Raketa10

    19 - Vitor Rawke

    To be fair it doesn't even need to be La Liga team. Maybe one year in Portugal and than one year in La Liga would be a perfect solution for him. If he is that raw, it's highly unlikely that he will be ready to start for Barca in one year time. Perhaps he needs to go step by step.

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