Top 10 shirts sale numbers and charts (Euromericas Marketing Agency)


New member
Euromericas published a top 10 of shirts sale:

  • #1 Real Madrid (2,53M)
  • #2 Barcelone (2,44M)
  • #3 Bayern Münich (1,98M)
  • #4 Manchester United (1,94M)
  • #5 Chelsea (1,86M)
  • #6 PSG (1,73M)
  • #7 Arsenal (7ème, 1,45M)
  • #8 Liverpool (8ème, 1,17M)
  • #9 Juventus (9ème, 1,07M)
  • #10 Milan AC (10ème, 0,97M)

It's noted that the biggest jump compared to 2012/2013 is PSG. They sold only around 400K shirts during the 12/13 season, jumping to 1.73M.


New member
Is this in Europe only?

Last year, they published that Barca was leading shirts sale "in Europe".

I checked if it was a serious agency before posting it. And they are. They post shirts sale infos for years now.


President of FC Barcelona

Last year, they published that Barca was leading shirts sale "in Europe".

I checked if it was a serious agency before posting it. And they are. They post shirt sales infos for years now.

I'd be surprised if Man Utd are behind us, RM AND Bayern World Wide. English teams dominate the Asian market.


New member
I'd be surprised if Man Utd are behind us, RM AND Bayern World Wide. English teams dominate the Asian market.
It's probably in Europe only. Numbers are low if you imagine it takes in accounts south america, North America, the SEA region, and the rest of the asian market.


President of FC Barcelona
It's probably in Europe only. Numbers are low if you imagine it takes in accounts south america, North America, the SEA region, and the rest of the asian market.

Yeah, what I thought as well.

Jair Ventura

New member
I'm shocked at PSG's growth though, particularly relative to Man City. Wonder what's propelled one but stagnated the other?


President of FC Barcelona
More people speak Spanish than English in the Americas.

That's true, but the Asian market is much bigger and EPL got a good hold of it.

Every person in my extended family who follows Football are a freaking Man Utd or Arsenal fan. Some who support RM too. I don't think there's anyone apart from me and a cousin of mine who are culers.


I guess the majority of shirt sales still goes to the "non-official" shirts.


Well, it's sure in China and the likes.

Here in Brazil is similar. Most team jerseys I see around are fakes. Even from local teams. I've seen Barça's next season here on the streets, before it was unveiled by the club :D

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