10 - Lionel Messi - v5

Centauri B

New member
He played like he had no confidence in himself or his team mates and was completely ineffective.

Dont agree that no one could do better.

A player that defends more, moves more and shows some fight even an fairly average player could have more impact than he did tonight.

Still a shite performance from team that he cant be blamed for or expect victory but when he is that inept it is hard to watch.

Whether Messi played well or not tonight is quite irrelevant. Argentina's crappiness is the main point here. Nothing could save them tonight from a far superior Croatia team.

Moreover, there is a reason why players like Xavi, Iniesta, Zidane, Pirlo or Riquelme are considered great, even though they are generally poor at scoring as well as defending. Those players can do what Argentina has been unable to do for the past 10 years or so. They can relieve the defense from pressure, control the game's tempo, create chances, improve a team's situation with a pass or combination of passes etc etc etc.

As for Messi tonight, the Croats had him covered throughout. They are not stupid, they know Argentina are hopeless if Messi is shut out, and they made sure that that was what was going to happen.


Wild Man of Borneo
Apart from Messi and Ronaldo, What does Portugal have that Argentina don't?
Portugal has nothing. Portugal let in 3 goals just like Argentina, the difference is Ronaldo scored three.
If you put Ronaldo in Argentina you have a much better team.

Lol the lineup is better top to bottom if you really wanna go there. Patricio is 10x better than Caballero, never would've made that howler today. Defense is better with Pepe and Cedric (while Argentina have 0 competent fullbacks), midfield is 10x better with Moutinho/Carvalho. Carvalho alone is so far ahead of Mascherano right now it's laughable, let alone Moutinho who is creative and very well rounded. He's probably Portugal's 2nd best player overall. Wingers aren't even comparable, Acuña/Meza have been some of the worst players in this tournament. Bernardo Silva is class and Joao Mario isn't bad. A much, much better team overall both in the players and the tactics.

The only thing you could say Argentina have is Aguero up front rather than Guedes. And when Argentina can't even progress the ball to get it to Aguero, that point is moot anyway.


Well-known member
(much) Better coach, team cohesion and solid players in all 3 lines, including GK. Argentina has attack line. That s it.

In other words, their team is way better balanced. Argentina has great offense, but you can't play Messi, Dybala, Higuian, Aguero and DiMaria all the same time. Team balance and positions would be messed up. Looks great on paper but would make dysfunctional team.

Well said.


New member
Messi still has one more World Cup in him. He's only 30/31 isn't he?

What's the matter with him, why would you retire so early. Get a copa America win then retire or something

Centauri B

New member
Apart from Messi and Ronaldo, What does Portugal have that Argentina don't?
Portugal has nothing. Portugal let in 3 goals just like Argentina, the difference is Ronaldo scored three.
If you put Ronaldo in Argentina you have a much better team.

Ronaldo scored 3 and Ronaldo scored three. One penaldo, one was in reality a De Gea OG and a free-kick. Ronaldo also scored a close-range header against the might of Morocco!


What does Russia have that Argentina does not? Russia has nothing, yet Cheryshev scored three (far more spectacular goals that Ronaldo did)


Senior Member
Whether Messi played well or not tonight is quite irrelevant. Argentina's crappiness is the main point here. Nothing could save them tonight from a far superior Croatia team.

Moreover, there is a reason why players like Xavi, Iniesta, Zidane, Pirlo or Riquelme are considered great, even though they are generally poor at scoring as well as defending. Those players can do what Argentina has been unable to do for the past 10 years or so. They can relieve the defense from pressure, control the game's tempo, create chances, improve a team's situation with a pass or combination of passes etc etc etc.

As for Messi tonight, the Croats had him covered throughout. They are not stupid, they know Argentina are hopeless if Messi is shut out, and they made sure that that was what was going to happen.

It is relevant when discussing Messi performance which was terrible and lacklustre to point it was painful to watch and that is heightened as there is more expected of him.

Messi was easy to shut out due to way he played.

Those things in relieving pressure Messi if he is the player we all think he is should be able to provide some of that influence and help the midfield. But he didnt even attempt to do that the whole game.


Aguero plays further up than Messi and if it breaks down before him it will result in him seeing ball less also.
What does this have to do with anything? Messi played wide...

Higuain showed better movement and as a result got on ball more in better areas.
What game were you watching JamDav? I could probably count the amount of times Higuain was on the ball on my one hand and his contributions other than that cross/cut back weren’t in the attacking third... But I’ve said it before Higuain is better option for the dynamic Sampaoli has going than Aguero.

The problem is that the Argentina midfield is not great technically to pick quick passes forward and Messi as the link makes the problem worse through lack of movement.
You may have had a point if he played centrally like against Iceland but in this game he was played wider. How can he act like a link when he is on a flank?


New member
Funny that unsung hero of Real and Croatia, Modric, cemented Messis legacy. Without him, Croatia nor Real would have won. We should have bought him, he begged us to come here...but alas.


Senior Member
I think he should not retire. Go home after this and do this:

-Get a new coach, who is not a complete muppet and demands hard defensive work as a unit
-Discard players like Higuain, Di Maria and Mascherano (who is semi-retired, but still starting)
-Figure out a system and a starting 11, not this shit with Perez and Meza
-Use the two years wisely and get the players to know how to play with eachother
-Work hard on defending as a unit
-Other playes, apart from Messi and Aguero must be able to score
-Find other creative paths to opponent's goal that don't involve Leo


Senior Member
What does this have to do with anything? Messi played wide...

What game were you watching JamDav? I could probably count the amount of times Higuain was on the ball on my one hand and his contributions other than that cross/cut back weren’t in the attacking third... But I’ve said it before Higuain is better option for the dynamic Sampaoli has going than Aguero.

You may have had a point if he played centrally like against Iceland but in this game he was played wider. How can he act like a link when he is on a flank?

Fairly clear what it has to do with it... if breaking down before reaches Aguero he will get ball less and he was poor anyway and Higuain with better movement offered more.

Messi never played 'wide' or on 'the flank'.

What are you claiming the formation was?

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