10 - Lionel Messi - V6


I told you all Messi would get the blame, but I didn’t think our own fans would be blaming him too.

He should threaten to leave IF Valverde stays!!

Messi does not deserve to be playing with this shit players and then get the blame when these shit players flop.


Well-known member
I told you all Messi would get the blame, but I didn’t think our own fans would be blaming him too.

He should threaten to leave IF Valverde stays!!

Messi does not deserve to be playing with this shit players and then get the blame when these shit players flop.
False flag madridistas in barca shirts. Dont believe everything you read.


Super Saiyan
He gave it his all this season but he is 32 and he can do only so much. Retardo and the rest of the squad let him down.

Centauri B

New member
Mourinho: "That 4th goal, if you see that in an U14 or U15 match you would say the kids have no mentality to play football. To concede that goal really shows you a state of mind! How to justify that is very difficult. I'd like to see Valverde explain that." [bein]

Mourinho is right.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but Messi and the seniors brought this on themselves. They want a cuck coach and back him they'll get the blame when something goes wrong whether it's right or wrong.
What doesn't help is the Coutinho Suarez Messi relationship which means we have to carry 3 low work rate players which just isn't viable against elite teams.
When it mattered he couldn't deliver because its not a team it's fc Messi with 10 other drop kicks.

Thank you. This team is way too spoiled. It's not working so we need to change it. I want coach who will put them work again.


Such a shame his fantastic season is let down by his manager. He's given everything to deliver fans CL this season again but Football is team sport after all surprise...


Official Lyon representative
he maybe created chances, but failed to score when he had the chance. his team mates were awful indeed with Alba the worst but Lionel Messi is the captain of this team and he was just walking and staring others instead of giving any orders or shout at them. And that makes me go crazy really, you are losing and no emotions at all to fight back, wtf is that! the team lacks personality and a true leader.


What do you want him to say that will make you feel better? There’s nothing he can say, we know how he is feeling right now.

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