Arda Turan


New member
Give it time, you can´t judge him this early and cannot look at his performances trough the lense of an attacking midfeilder that he was in Atletico Madrid.
The middle 3 have a diffrent job in Barcelona...


Staff member
Give it time, you can´t judge him this early and cannot look at his performances trough the lense of an attacking midfeilder that he was in Atletico Madrid.
The middle 3 have a diffrent job in Barcelona...

He played in Iniesta role too and further up even both as right and left wing-forward.


Senior Member
There is a massive difference between the way Barca play, and the way Atletico play. Quite simply put, I think he's more used to playing without the ball, than with it, because of his long period with Atletico. But he'll be very good for us. Maybe not this season, but the next season I say we can count on him as much as on Rakitic.


Senior Member
He clearly needs more time to adapt and to regain match fitness but for now he is not meeting the expectations doing very little run during the game ( I thought he ran lesser than Messi the half he played vs Las Palmas ), playing almost all the time safe and easy and overreacting when losing the ball.

Hope all this will pass with time and that he could somehow be able to infiltrate into our Gala 11 by the end of the season....


New member
when rafinha returns and fully recover, where will arda play? rafinha is much better than arda in iniesta position, and also rafinha is player for next 10 years, he is only 23.

it will not be suprise for me if arda transfer turns FLOP.

edit: he is not for barca strongest 11, he is not better than iniesta and also he does not fit in rakitic position, who works hard without ball.


Senior Member
C'mon, give him some time. He isn't even playing with the team for 2 months. He'll be fine when fully adapted to the team.


New member
C'mon, give him some time. He isn't even playing with the team for 2 months. He'll be fine when fully adapted to the team.

im not so worried about arda, he proved that he is a class, what im worried about is barca youth players, in this case, sergi roberto and rafinha, because they are material for barca first 11, maybe not yet, but next season probably yes, and arda transfer was not cheap, so im just considering what if lucho give arda more chances than to roberto or rafinha, and if rafinha or roberto leave because of that, that would be bad for club future


Senior Member
Lucho likes both Rafinha and Roberto and he loves to rotate so they will still get their minutes. I have no worries about that. Both are also versatile so they can play multiple positions and Rafinha will probably still be a bit rusty at the start of next season. And competition is always good and necessary in a club like Barça. All of our youngsters that succeded here in the past in the earlier phase of their careers had to fight for their minutes against good players from the outside. If they are/were good enough they stay/ed here. If they are not or if they don't have enough patience to wait, well, there is always football outside of Barça. But most of them are not as successful in other clubs and I also think some of them are sorry because they didn't wait for another year or two to get their chance in Barça.

There are players like Alba, Pique or Vidal who get second chance but 99% of players are never coming back once they leave. And to be fair, most of them never had Barça quality. People are always upset when a young player from La Masia leave but in a couple of years none of them is really playing an important role in another top European club. So we tend to keep our best talent at home or at least bring them back if they develop into good players in other clubs. Although I don't think Pique and Alba were world class players when they came back, they still needed development here. Vidal is not a WC RB right now as well but could become one. Only player that I consider WC before we brought him back was Cesc. And we all know how that worked out.

El Flaco

Active member
Arda's interview with beIN Sports

How have these months been without playing?

It was difficult but we've turned it into an advantage.While I wasn't playing I was trying to adapt to the Barcelona style and system. It was like a class but I knew I would wear that Barcelona shirt and I was happy. That motivated me

The first day

Of course, I was nervous. Luis Suárez was joking with Leo Messi and they were joking that I couldn't breath right because of the nerves. But we've overcome that.

Midfield or up-front?

In the centre of the pitch, further back, I've also felt very comfortable. The most important thing is that the best players are here. It doesn't matter how much I play nor where I play. Our team is very good and I'm just trying to be an important piece in this team.


I'm in a very good team and everyone knows how to play well. We know how to win titles. When I was 21 years old and was captain of Galatasaray, I did not have those experiences. We saw everything very differently. Now we know how to keep our positions, we know how to have patience and we know how we're going to work... we're in a very good team and that takes a bit of the pressure off. Also, we have a lot of good players and I don't have to dribble past everyone. I don't have to be a leader, just a piece to this team. And when they need me, obviously, I'll do everything I need to do, I'll score goals ... whatever it is. I comply with my roles.

The team's style

From the outside it looks like chess, easy to do... tiki taka... but it's not. Everyone has a role, a position, everyone must comply with that role. It looks like a game of chess and it's not easy.

Lack of hunger?

Of course we all have that hunger. We especially have one objective: repeat what was done last year. We want to win it all and that's why we have hunger. Nobody has been able to repeat it. Win all the titles again, especially the Champions.

Is it a challenge?

No, we're all dreaming of it.


Obviously we must respect Arsenal and all other opponents. But we're Barcelona. We must play like we do and maintain concentration and we'll be able to eliminate every team.

Are you invincible?

What we have to do is repeat what we did last year. The three titles of last year. People can think that we have no challengers and that we're very strong and that is an error. In the league we have rivals, the Champions is difficult. To think we don't have rivals would make us much weaker. We could lose concentration and we don't want that, we don't even think about that. Before semifinals we're going to have very different days, with different motivations. The matches are very difficult

Trident Messi, Suárez, Neymar

It's more important... Obviously they're very good, they're some of the best, but the key thing is that they love each other a lot. That's fundamental.

Are they the best?

Yes, I think so. They're the best trio.


A while ago I had another interview and I said it like this. They're very special but we're a team. Mascherano, Piqué, Alves, Jordi, Busi, Ivan, Sandro, Sergi Roberto, Rafa, Adriano... they're all important, but we're a team that works in defence. Suárez, Neymar, Messi and them are fundamental. I've said all the names and they all support that trident. People who win a lot of awards, make a lot of lists, but will never win these trophies. For Busquets to be special he doesn't have to win any award, neither does Iniesta, who seem to not have any importance because how many goals do they score, how many assists...

Luis Enrique's Barça is the best team of all time?

It can be discussed because Pep Guardiola also had a lot of success, after winning six trophies. I also really liked Rijkaard's team. That was also good, but we're trying to do something better.

Difference between Luis Enrique and Guardiola

There were differences between both managers. Now there's Suárez and Neymar playing with Messi. It was a team that also played tiki-taka and had Villa and Pedro who were very special. Andrés played more forward. It was a team that circulated the ball a lot under Guardiola and now we play much more vertically, to score goals.


They're very special players. They're showing what they have, all their talent. They add more from their talents to have more fun, after winning 4-1 and we only think about our game, and like I said we have to respect Arsenal, or whichever team. We only think in our way to play. Everything they do in their game is natural. In training they do the same.

The penalty

Leo, Neymar and Luis want to make football more fun, not just for the team, they do it for football. They want to make this more fun.

Role in the team

It's part of my character. While I play, I do what I need to do. If I need to do it, I do it, doesn't matter if I have the level to do or not. I just try to play, enjoy it and win titles, nothing more.

Real Madrid and Zidane

Real Madrid is our rival. I don't have much of an idea. We're just concentrated on our own thing and I don't want to say more or talk about it. Sorry.

0-4 in the Bernabéu

I was really happy at home. I won 4-0 against Real Madrid as well with Atlético. It's different to play against them because I already had this result. I was very happy and of course I enjoyed it. I celebrated it at home.

Desire to face Real Madrid at Camp Nou

I'm just thinking about the titles, nothing more. I'm not going to mark anything on my calendar.


Being in this environment and scoring goals, especially in the Clásico, is important and very nice. But we see it like just another game and we must win it, nothing more.

Neymar and his contract

We never talk about this stuff and it doesn't affect me.

Simeone and Luis Enrique

I think both managers are similar. One is more concentrated in playing defensively and another in playing offensively. Both are aggressive, they show their guns to their teams. They're two of the best in the world.

Defensively I've learned a lot from Simeone, where to position myself and what to do. From Luis, especially how to play defensively and offensively. And now I'm learning a lot more, like the style of Barcelona

Victory in the Molinón

Everyone sees it like this, but I don't. If we're mathematically champions then that's that. Now we must focus on each game.

Champions League

I'm here to win that title. It's one of my objectives. I just needed one minute and a half because this trophy is very different, and special.

You have to fight in football. We fight. If I lose, I'd rather lose like that, fighting, suffering. Our fans support us a lot. I felt very proud when. When I'm thinking of the final, I only remember that. Nothing else.



Senior Member
my biggest concern with this particular signing is that i feel it was more of a compaign signing .. partemou won the treble and wanted one lost joker to cement his position as a CEO for the next 6 years .. and therefore he wanted to sign anything flashy before he step ou .. Arda Turan has nothing to offer for this system aside being a good squad player .. really , would be much more suited to a 352 or 442 system a la Juventus ..


Senior Member
I disagree. Arda is a type of player that Lucho likes. Experienced and adapted to La Liga, versatile, competitive, technically gifted and after playing 4 years for Simeone also very improved in his defensive abilities.

And Bartomeu didn't win elections because of Arda's signing. He won because of the treble and because Laporta had a "meh" campaign.


my biggest concern with this particular signing is that i feel it was more of a compaign signing .. partemou won the treble and wanted one lost joker to cement his position as a CEO for the next 6 years .. and therefore he wanted to sign anything flashy before he step ou .. Arda Turan has nothing to offer for this system aside being a good squad player .. really , would be much more suited to a 352 or 442 system a la Juventus ..

Exactly, not satisfying again and yet waiting to see one of his 'spectacular' kind games.

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