Joan Laporta


Staff member
Re: Laporta

I couldn`t agree more. He`s allright when things go smooth but overall he`s just not the man for the job. Just how many of original board members since his takeover are still here? Pretty much noone except for his loyal dog Txiki and I don`t wanna even get into that subject..
His choice of Pep was just to save his own ass at the time and luckily Pep exceeded expectations and is looking good so far at the helm.

Sandro will take over sooner or later


Re: Laporta

Yes. He just wanted to save himself I`m sure of that and he still uses Cruyff and Txiki.

Marc Ingla, Rosell and others.... all of them left Barca because of Laporta. This success is to be thanked to the managament of 2003


Re: Laporta

Rosell and Marc Ingla both did their jobs at Barca very well, yet they had to leave while Laporta stayed after 2 very dissapointing seasons. It's more like the Board Members are being punished for Laporta's shite.
Anyways he 'gave himself' another chance this season so lets see what happens. Txiki has done an OK job in the transfer market so far, but we easily could have got Caceres for a less price.


Staff member
Re: Laporta

Laporta after Malaga game:

The team has displayed an etraordinary attitude, with a great fighting spirit that has seen us beat a great team and in a difficult stadium
We had great success in front of goal too. I think a true evaluation can be made at the end of the season, but this team cannot be compared to that of last term. For the time being, we want things to continue as they have been, but we do not believe that anything has been achieved yet.
Now we have to win all our games in November as Pep Guardiola said, in order to go into the last phase of the first half of the season in a good position.
In that sense, I really like the way that the coach has prepared for games against teams that we know will be very difficult like these.
At the start I thought the game would be called off because I knew that it would be complicated to play, but with a lot of hard work it all turned out well


Re: Laporta

I hate Laporta hopefully he leaves soon! He´s lucky to be alive after the stupid stuff he did.


Re: Laporta

Depends if anyone elese is running for the spot mate. I´m not sure who I´m voteing for aslong as they give us our place back in Camp Nou I´ll vote for them.


Re: Laporta

BOIXOS1981 said:
Depends if anyone elese is running for the spot mate. I´m not sure who I´m voteing for aslong as they give us our place back in Camp Nou I´ll vote for them.

Bro ur vote goes for Rosell? Don't wanna see Laporta again because i dont wanna collapse


Re: Laporta

Laporta can´t stand again in 2010 he is gone for ever! He changed the rules stateing a president can only stand for 2 terms of 8 years. When he was elected there was some slip in the clubs stature. He became president for too early in 2003 and for 15 days that counted as a year. So he leaves in 2010. I´m not voteing for Rosell or anyone yet because I´ve heard nothing from anyone running yet. I´m surprised how this idiot is still alive. Laporta travels around Barcelona with armed body guards now. After this I think he plans on steping into politics for some reason.



Re: Laporta

BOIXOS1981 said:
I hate Laporta hopefully he leaves soon! He´s lucky to be alive after the stupid stuff he did.

Liam ? What happen to all that talk you used to give us about how great Laporta is, and he should stay at the club .. ? Surprize !


Re: Laporta

I opened my eyes mate, realiseing he dosen´t want us at this club. But we will fight to get it back!


Re: Laporta

I´m a soci, but no one is a member of the Boixos Nois. Because we´re not a Penya anymore because of Laporta. Membership wouldn´t be the smartest idea either because of the police got a hold we´d be in trouble

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