Bayern München


Senior Member

The best treble is either 2015 Barca or 1999 United.

We beat PSG, City, PSG, Bayern, and Juve in the CL and a strong RM, AM in the league/copa.

United beat Barca, Bayern, Inter, Juve, Bayern in CL and Arsenal in the league/cup.

15 Barca = 99 United
09 Barca
13 Bayern
10 Inter
20 Bayern

I agree with your list.

Have to say though that 99 United is like a movie. A lot of dramas with a Hollywood-styled ending. Not sure we'll ever see a season like that.


Staff member
Best run club in the World. Sure they had their bad spells but overall they really do run an efficient model.


Senior Member
Its easy to have a good run club, when you have no competition in the league. They can give youth more chances than any other big club. Even if those players don't contribute, there are no consequences, they will still win everything in Germany.


Active member
Its easy to have a good run club, when you have no competition in the league. They can give youth more chances than any other big club. Even if those players don't contribute, there are no consequences, they will still win everything in Germany.

Yes because mighty eibar is a difficult opponent. We also could play youth player against Eibar Goat or levantes
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Well-known member
I agree they pick good players and all but they also have entire league as their youth accademies basically.

True, especially in the past they cherry picked all the best players from other Germany clubs. HUGE ADVANTAGE.. World is changing though, they can't do that anymore. Thank God. Dortmund is selling to outsider for better price and other teams.


New member
Btw Leeds were robbed in that 1975 Final. Watch this if you get chance:

I remember that match being on, at my grandparents house.

Tbh all I remember from that final is Leeds playing like proper butchers and ending the carreers of two Bayern players, one of whom was Uli Hoeness the world's biggest talent at that time.

I was glad Leeds lost. Still remember how Anderson's leg looked after that foul.


New member
Hey guys...

Long time reader, first time poster. A Bayern fan, but as any true fan of the game, I really do appreciate FC Barcelona and what they have done for football (you had one of the most memorable teams and players in sport's history). I also think this is one of the quality fan-forums out there (in case some of you might not be happy to see other club fans post here).

I just wanted to say a couple of things. First, I'm not glad the way our match went down because after the fifth goal, your guys just shut down and gave up. And you know the Germans, they don't know how to stop. Either way, the end result doesn't reflect the actual power ratio between our two clubs (that's an assumption only malicious people would make).

I see some of you tend to go overboard with the strength of "my" team right now, and I see that to be more of a disappointment on your part, but you're wrong. Win or lose, you should always reserve the ability to see things objectively and not to go too high or too low (it comes naturally as you grow older). Now, of course I'm glad we finally won the CL after 2013 iconic (in my eyes) team and the robberies (and our own stupidity, I have to own it) against Real, but the near future for Bayern is not as nearly "perfect" as some of you make it out to be. Our biggest concern is one of your ex-guys, and by that I mean Thiago. Take him out of this Bayern team and tell me what the end result would be? The odds would not have been in our favor. Thiago has developed into a WC midfielder (it took him a while but he's there), a player that Bayern doesn't have (right now) and if we part with him (as things stand now, we will and that's OK, if he wants to go we should not try to force anything, I'm more of a mindset if we've reached a crossroad lets part as gentlemen, lets not destroy our history beyond repair) our midfield will be in serious trouble. Because, who is going to organize the attack or take the ball forward? Goretzka? Tolisso? Javi Martinez? Don't make me laugh. If we don't buy a quality replacement (and the question is who), I see our HC Herr Flick go for Kimmich on that position but that would be a mistake, since Kimmich is one the best RB's today (definitely top 3, you could argue the best). If we do that, then we lose the edge on the RB position and I'm not sure Joshua will be able to fill Thiago's shoes, as good as he is. So that is our number one concern.

Secondly, our centerbacks. Definitely the worst part of our team, some due to injuries (Hernandez, Pavard, Sule) but Boateng just isn't suited for top tier football anymore (for God's sake, you guys have a meme-gif here about him). It's kind of depressing that Alaba, a natural LB or LWB did better than Boateng at CB. So, if we continue to have injury issues at CB positions, it isn't gonna be nice. Time will tell, especially with Hernandez and Pavard. BTW, I'm confident Alaba will be re-signed, I think he is just making a power-move to up himself in the negotiations with the board.

We bought Sane, but I'm not on his hype-train just yet. I'm a guy that says "show me and make me a believer". Don't get me wrong, I think Sane is a great offensive player but it is his defense output that worries me. I think your guy Pep saw it too and that was the reason the dude played so little minutes at Man City even though he's super talented. And if he won't backtrack, well, you guys have a couple of those players yourself and how did that turn out - especially the right flank? That is why I think keeping Perisic would be great (OK, I'm a little biased here since we're both Croatians) because Pero is a very grateful and valuable player and he helps Davies a lot. Sane is yet to show me that. Plus, I think Gnabry has a very good relationship with Pero. Coman is great but unfortunately very unlucky with all the injuries (I mean, his medical records have volumes I, II, III and so on), the guy just can't stay healthy for the love of God and therefore you cannot rely on him.

Finally, attackers. I really don't understand why we don't have a decent replacement for Lewa, maybe Zirkzee could develop to be that but in order for that to happen, he needs playing time and Lewa is very selfish with that, the dude wants to play every single minute of every single match, training, whatever. I bet you the dude walks past a bunch of kids playing at a local yard in the off-season and he be like "dudes, let me in, let me in"...

As for the HC, only a completely moron would fire a treble winning coach but I guarantee you that not everyone in Bayern's board are Herr Flick's fans. Why you ask? Because some of the board members want to keep this "jet-set, Hollywood" appearance (look at us PR bullsh*t) so they would want a more flashy name in a HC. I just hope those morons represent a minority within the board (otherwise, first mistake Herr Flick makes and he's out of here). BTW, Herr Flick is a great person and players love him (as they did Herr Yupp), it's always easier when you have that kind of a relationship. Trust and mutual respect is the backbone for every team's success.

All in all, we're not what some of you make us to be, we also have some struggles ahead, especially midfield (Thiago) and defense-wise but I agree - right now, I would not trade places with you guys. I do hope you'll find your way to bounce back (but maybe I'll write about it in appropriate threads as an outsider). Football needs strong traditional sides and FC Barcelona is definitely one of them. Just don't panic and force things, that is a pathway to doom. Best of luck, guys!


Senior Member
I bet you the dude walks past a bunch of kids playing at a local yard in the off-season and he be like "dudes, let me in, let me in"...


:welcome: to barcaforum. Very good first post.

I think Barca could learn a lot of things from Bayern (not just on the pitch, lol). You've moved relatively fast and successfull past the legends like Robben and Ribery and build a younger, faster and stronger team which paired with usual German mentality is a key to success in todays football. What this current Bayern team also has which we haven't had for years are reliable veterans like Lewa and Muller who are still performing at a great level. Besides Messi our other veterans level has dropped significantly over the years and the results were evident in the CL.

At least it seems we've now finally realised the problems and decided to do a rebuild which should have been done years ago. I think 2017 after Neymar left would've been be a good starting point but of course hindsight is always 20/20. And in theory we actually wanted to start a rebuild with Dembele (to replace Ney) and Coutinho (as Iniesta's successor) but for different reasons it just didnt' work out well. If at least one of them would pan out I think our situation could be a lot better today. It seems they'll both get a second (or a fourth) chance so hopefully they can bring something to the team this time. Dembele by staying fit any Coutinho with possibly bringing some positive mentality from Bayern. It's unlikely but hope is the only thing we have right now. And I'm also quite hopeful about some of our youngsters (until they prove me wrong at least). So while it will be very strange not to see Messi anymore in the team at the same time I'm also looking forward to see how they'll do if given a fair chance (which they should get with some veterans leaving and hopefully those who'll stay having a lesser role in the team).


New member
I remember that match being on, at my grandparents house.

Tbh all I remember from that final is Leeds playing like proper butchers and ending the carreers of two Bayern players, one of whom was Uli Hoeness the world's biggest talent at that time.

I was glad Leeds lost. Still remember how Anderson's leg looked after that foul.

“Dirty Leeds” for a reason :thumbsup: still... those mistakes by the ref are a joke.


Senior Member
I will post here since it's irrelevant in the Suarez thread that I originally posted:

CL humiliation no.3 Timeline:

1st Bayern goal: Busquets makes a wrong 2m!!! pass in midfield, Bayern counter from the center line with numbers. Nothing to do with our front 2 pressing or helping out - or was it front 3, no one knows.

1st Barca goal: Bypassing the high line with a pass from Messi to Alba and score - own goal got it!

Then barca get's 2 chances. Suarez one on one that Neuer saves and Messi solo slalom that Neuer saves again.

2nd Bayern goal: Bob and Semedo (while we have many people at the back) decide they need to give the ball away for no reason outside our penalty box and Bayern score again.

That's two goals out of individual mistakes - out of thin air literally.
Then, We had one more good chance with Messi hitting the bar, while 3 of our guys were bird-watching.

Our attackers did pretty good till now, had 2 good and unlucky not to score chances already.

3rd Bayern goal. We are defending with a kind of a low block. Messi is on middle right covering the LB. Suarez occupies the center of the pitch between 2 defenders.
We try to be tight between the lines. Busquets fails to close Thiago's pass to Lewandowski because he is slow AF and Lenglet get's beaten on the turn, because he is slow AF, for the goal.

Our two forwards have nothing to do with this goal again. And we are in 3-1 down by minute 30.

4th Bayern goal. Semedo tries to be sneaky and get's dispossessed near our penalty box. FYI, he has the full defense and midfield line close to him (bob is covering the LB). Bayern steal the ball close to our goal and score after 2 consecutive crosses.

Again, nothing to do with our forwards, just Semedo having a nightmare night.

And that is 4-1 before half time and match over.

Our team for this season will still have:

- Mats: Has saved us many times by is unstable in CL matches - as all of our defense. Also his distribution is dangerous to say the least.
- Semedo: At clear fault for at least 3 goals and suspect in many Bayern attacks.
- Pique: Who fails to close down players in the box constantly (ex. 5th goal) and will only get slower with time.
- Lenglet: Who is at fault for the 3rd goal and is another slow CB alongside Pique.
- Alba: Who didn't have a catastrophic game this time, still does decently going forward but has some really big brainfart moments.
- Busquets: Who is at fault for at least 1 Bayern goal and is susceptible to many errors that lead to dangerous attacks.
- Sergi: Who is partly to blame for at least 2 Bayern goals and has no clear position after so many years with us.
- Griezmann: Who cannot dribble past a player to save his life and loses the ball constantly without trying anything special. (3rd goal scorer)
- Dembele: Constantly injured.
- Coutinho: Who a bench option for Bayern.
- Braithwaite: ...

Then we have FDJ and some ?talented? youngsters.

We probably won't have Messi (1st goal scorer & assists), Suarez (2nd goal scorer & assists), Vidal (4th goal scorer :D), Rakitic (no words for him).

So to recap, all the players directly responsible for 95% of the goals we conceeded will still be here.
The 2 players that contributed absolutely everything in our attack (bar Alba) will be gone.


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