No way Flick is THE candidate. That's not how Laporta is working. He won't leak the top candidate to the press. Maybe a wrong one to work on the real one in silence. Not that Romero is anything near a realiable source these days. He surely is the right victim to leak a wrong name to though. Flick is DFB bound.
Same here. Don't understand why someone would rather get Xavi. It's a possible replay of Lampard vs an elite manager Flick, use your brain cells people not your heart.
Well, he's been right a few times so far. First about Aguero and then about the 500m credit line although he said it was an investment by someone which was factually incorrect. Was so wrong about Neymar on the other hand. I wouldn't say he's extremely reliable, but has been more hit than miss lately.
He apparently want a top CB and likes de Ligt and Laporte. Hopefully this is true and a priority this summer.