Recent content by Fishdoll

  1. Fishdoll

    Sandro Rosell

    Not the best thing he could've said there.
  2. Fishdoll

    Sandro Rosell

    The journalists are sitting down, at least.
  3. Fishdoll

    New Zealand Bro :)

    Hello and welcome! btw, a friend of mine went to the rugby world cup in 2011 and loved both the country and the fact that the All Blacks finally won. :)
  4. Fishdoll

    Manchester United

    Why is Kagawa played out of positon?
  5. Fishdoll

    Bayern München

    Bet the Gladbach fans are...amused at that one.
  6. Fishdoll

    Manchester United

    Not looking particularly good at Old Trafford v. Sevilla. Did someone hex them when playing Liga teams?
  7. Fishdoll

    Qatar FC

    Wow, not so good for PSG (even though Montpellier is reasonably good afaik). (Hi, sweetie!)
  8. Fishdoll

    David Luiz: Yay or Nay?

    Hello, darling! And I can't decide about Bob. Would love to see him away from Chelsea but am far from sure Barcelona is a good fit for him. I also half suspect that whoever's bought (if anyone) is going to end up hosed.
  9. Fishdoll

    Athletic Club de Bilbao

    As long as you have Bart......yes. :) And XMG, I could post some of THOSE pictures in the Men thread but, well, I wouldn't want to scandalize any of the guys. ;)
  10. Fishdoll

    Athletic Club de Bilbao

    Got to be there in April to see this:
  11. Fishdoll

    Thiago Translantara

    The one most likely to be screwed in this setup is Javi Martinez who may well be forced into playing a position he HATES playing (CB).
  12. Fishdoll

    Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

    This. Nobody's going to come out of this mess looking good.
  13. Fishdoll

    Athletic Club de Bilbao

    Wow. Not going to even bother going further in this conversation with either you or ursegor since you have both obviously made up your minds and are going to hate athletic fans because they boo a barca player who dives. Enjoy your world in which barca is a perfect team with perfect players that...
  14. Fishdoll

    Athletic Club de Bilbao

    Why is it absurd? Because you don't think it's a dive or because it's a player you think can do no wrong? Athletic fans put Iniesta in a category that I've seen fans of other clubs put DiMaria. And given the things I've seen on the pitch and the interviews I've watched (in which Iniesta was...
  15. Fishdoll

    Athletic Club de Bilbao

    Yep. I was responding more to the sentence under the vid, which I felt displayed a lack of understanding of the feelings and motivations of the Athletic fanbase. I think I'm in a better position to represent those, given my current location , friends, and the fact that I read the two Bilbao...

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