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  1. Petrinha

    Oi DM, tudo bem? Sim, falo :D E, vc, onde aprendeu la lingua? Ate ja, bjuss

    Oi DM, tudo bem? Sim, falo :D E, vc, onde aprendeu la lingua? Ate ja, bjuss
  2. Petrinha


    Yeah, gordinho was veryyy good :D Sometimes i hate them more then i hate Real ...
  3. Petrinha

    Pep Guardiola

    Ahaha good one :lol:
  4. Petrinha

    Your residence: House or Apartment

    Doll house
  5. Petrinha

    Alberto Botía

    Zanela is not beeing dramatic, she talks with passion for the fottie defending her opinion the same way without insulting anyone, and u guys keep attacking her each time, most of the times with no reason while many male members write with the same tone ... be happy "a girl" is actually that...
  6. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    It's a velvet jacket and it has a nice coloure, id wear it :D But on a guy it looks kinda metro ...
  7. Petrinha

    Pep Guardiola

    Yeah, but i was refering to the heritage and possibilities that some did survive, some converted, some came back plus ... hmmm i doubt he can be of the Sephardim from Northern Africa that came in 20th century, but well, genetics is a bitch lol Guardiola is not a name we're looking for but his...
  8. Petrinha

    Pep Guardiola

    Never heard that info.Anyway, Spain did have a big portion of jewish immigrants.There were more then 100 sephardic jewish communities in 14th century before the masacres, forced convertions and expulsion. Almost any city nowdays in Castilla, Leon, Andalusia or Catalonia has it's Juderia(jewish...
  9. Petrinha

    Who will win the World Cup ?

    Spain, regarding all, should win, although i d like it more to be Holland, Argentina or Ivory this time :)
  10. Petrinha

    8 - Hristo Stoichkov

    lolll, i didn't ask, he was in some group so wanted to take a pic from a distance, but my idiot camera was baddddd ... plus Trifon was the one who used to scare kids not Hristo :lol:
  11. Petrinha

    8 - Hristo Stoichkov

    Loveddd him, unpredictable, crazy, explosive :D Actually saw him at Barca streets in mid 90's during school trip, even tried to take a pic but as we had shitty cameras back then, nothing can be seen :( Yeah, we all wanted that!!
  12. Petrinha

    Juvenil A

    :D That's great, i saw all the videos possible of the lil' Torres tnx to u ;) And Ruben, let's rephrase Wilde, The importance of beeing Ruben, huh? :D Am gonna study him from now on ...
  13. Petrinha


    First of all Congrats Frenchies!!! :) So silver for us, AGAIN lol ... great first 28 minutes, 12-9 lead, then stupidly losing 3 points and 12-12 halftime .... and from then no invention, no organisation of the game and most sadly no guts ... funny the goal difference at the end was so little in...
  14. Petrinha


    Ehehe Bojan, another party last nite ? :p I saw first 10 min Ice - Frenchies, then fell asleep as stupid cold exhausted me as hell, woke up for our 2nd half, saw it's 9-10 in 1st, wtf, defenses seamed to be working good :D And then in 2nd we played again as we need to keeping 2-3 goals...
  15. Petrinha


    Dont mention this pls, makes me throw up ..... so so trueeee!!! But it's same in footie when they give away so many tickets to so wanna be celebs, makes me sick !!! I hardly got a ticket for that match(from that guy who knows Karabatko lol) ... anyhow what pissed me off is that, at the entrance...
  16. Petrinha


    Yeah we r one of best teams in handball :D Ok time to teach lil Hamzah some things, look up, these r our results : Olimpics : GOLD - Atlanta(1996), Athens(2004) World Championship - GOLD - Portugal(2003) SILVER - Iceland(1995), Tunis(2005), Croatia(2009)...
  17. Petrinha


    Yup, i was at many matches here then, at that final too ... yes we should think the way - expect the worst, hope for the best :D We shall see :D
  18. Petrinha


    lol dunno, he is norvegian, u see the gang he is with has our t shirts and other stuff lol .. maybe he has a hobby of collecting national things all around the world and presenting them at games :D
  19. Petrinha


    Yeah he was so so so amazing, flying on adrenaline, he and Alilovic r guys of the game :D Really Bojan, we finaly started to play like we need, stil can be seen that it's hard to organise the game when Balic is out, but we r great, and i didn't know we have the youngest team at the tournament ;)...
  20. Petrinha


    WOW we finaly started to playyyyyy, amazing game guysss :beer2: Our best man was Alilovic, a goalie with 18 defenses(more then 50% shots on the goal) well done, mate :D Btw he is just so sweet, saw him around Xmas in a coffe shop close to where i live, he always looks like he just woke up...

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