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  1. Ventus

    9 - Luis Suárez - v1

    Well, if we were to put a Freudian/Reichist perspective on it, sexuality does nothing but better your mental health. Reich, regardless of his fall from grace in his later years, was able to treat his patients quite effectively by breaking through the sexual tension, or as he called it, "body...
  2. Ventus

    Andrés Iniesta

    Lol. I remember how disturbed I was when they showed the picture of the head... I didn't sleep for 2 nights xD
  3. Ventus

    Andrés Iniesta

    lol, tbh, we're not that much better.
  4. Ventus

    Nov 25-29, Barcelona visit

    I actually bought that exact shirt at a Nike store in London.
  5. Ventus

    Wayne Rooney

    Also, he reaches a third foot into a fifth dimension, allowing him to move the ball around without the opposition knowing it. The dark magic that man casts is beyond my comprehension...
  6. Ventus

    9 - Luis Suárez - v1

    One of the greatest players I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. The man stayed for 2 hours after the Liverpool-Bolton game to sign autographs. Say what you want about him, but unlike the other cunt-bags, he doesn't leave fans out to dry.
  7. Ventus

    Thiago Translantara

    Huh... usually the birthday present is sex, but I guess a T-shirt with the name of another man on the back is good too.
  8. Ventus

    Swansea City

    I love Swansea. Just the fact that they have the balls to go out and play attacking football in that league amazes me. If they are relegated, which I expect, it will be a sad day. Well done Swansea. :beer2:
  9. Ventus

    Bojan Krkic

    ... (insert fallacy ridden Bojan defense which he probably doesn't deserve) Seriously though... Some of the things he's said were disappointing. It's hard to accept the fact that a player isn't who you imagined him to be off the pitch, but I guess that was my fault for getting attached. BUT...
  10. Ventus

    Bojan Krkic

    This thread makes me lol sooooo hard. But anyways; BOJAAAAAAAAAAAAAN GOLASO GOLASO GOLASO
  11. Ventus

    Gerard Piqué

    Lol, young center backs rarely show immense quality when their young. Defenders usually rely on experience. Puyol's quality levels at Fontas' age were, quite frankly, rather scant. He needs experience, and most importantly time.
  12. Ventus

    Sergio Busquets

    Never liked him, didn't stand out... But I'd be a fool to say that we didn't sorely miss him yesterday. Anchors our midfield like no one else, even if he doesn't have the flair of our more technical players. My dad keeps going on about how he's the spitting image of Pep, and now for the first...
  13. Ventus

    Sergio Agüero

    Because he's purchased some of the most talented attackers in the world, but still insists on strapping each and every one of them with a ball and chain pre-match? Or maybe because he works for a team which became the catalyst for an oil blooded arab revolution intent on ruining football? Take...
  14. Ventus

    Lol this will be a late message. Hey a Vancouverite! Yah I'm persian, you?

    Lol this will be a late message. Hey a Vancouverite! Yah I'm persian, you?
  15. Ventus

    Thiago Translantara

    Any remote doubt I had about him has evaporated. La Masia has produced yet another legend.
  16. Ventus

    Gerard Piqué

    lol, If that's the cover then I'm black. Seriously though is that real? It looks really fake :S
  17. Ventus

    Bojan Krkic

    You're right, what an immature douche bag.
  18. Ventus

    Gerard Piqué

    Sex and the city, Barca edition.
  19. Ventus


    Shades of old Ronnie...
  20. Ventus

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    Posted on Leo's website.

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