6 - Gavi


Flair Trait
Played great today aggressive and composed. Scary how good he can become when he's already a top player.


Senior Member
MOTM for me. His ability to force turnovers in dangerous areas and his full commitment to winning every challenge makes a difference. And his technical skills aren't shabby either.


Senior Member
That man is the truth.
HIm and Araujo are 2 true warrior.

Balde as well. They don't flinch one bit no matter the adversity. Signs of truly special mentality.

2 of these 3 have contract issues, so we'd better get it done fast and extend them with 1bn clause. We don't need them oil clubs and sugardaddy clubs lurking around and throwning money at them and their families.
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Senior Member
The desperation to group Balde with Gavi when nothing alike.

Mentality is about playing well in biggest games and with consistency much more than flying into tackles.

Much rarer to find that elite mentality that can play with clear head to make correct decisions than players that play with aggression all the time.

Gavi will develop into the top players most expect him to be when he makes better decisions and he can do that while still having aggressive side to his game.

Folk dont need to lie about him being 'best ball winner' in world etc and overplay how much his aggression brings to game.

Was decent yesterday.. still needs to get better at finding ball and helping control game from middle but that should come.
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Senior Member
MOTM for me. His ability to force turnovers in dangerous areas and his full commitment to winning every challenge makes a difference. And his technical skills aren't shabby either.

His technical skills are getting underrated big time. Nice turns and touches, doesn't have issues dribbling past players. Still goes down too easily at times and has issues with balance, but that will come in time.

Man of the match for me too.


Senior Member
His technical skills are good..just needs to get more consistent with them and make better decisions/have better awareness of what is around him to see how far he can go with them.

The agression and 'ball winning' is vastly over rated and has plus sides as well as negatives at moment.

The other midfielders leave less gaps, make less fouls and win ball back more without his aggression.

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