Senior Member
Eh. Lewsky is criticised mosty rationally and within context here. There might be few maximalists, but they don't send treds. You guys run here as his defense dogs after every game to involve in prolonged back and forths on how it's never his fault, he wasn't passed to enough, he has no better alternative, he scored therefore it's aaaw right. That's just pure nationalistic biasNot really though, none of butthurt pollacks even said that he head a good game. I only said he might be sick or affected by change of seasons, but anyway had a bad game. Also there was post that he has fewer contacts and misplacing a pass gets more pronounced and has less chances to make up for it. Rest is debating sweeping statements or denials of talent, pseudo intellectual rants and stereotyping crap of the type you present, action reaction like uncle said above.
Polant Stronk btw