9 - Robert Lolwandowski


Well-known member
Anyway - nice one on ignoring the points I made contradicting your low IQ insinuations of me. You fucking thick little reprobate.

And you still have my sympathy now - just in a different way.


Well-known member

Put you in ignore anyway - got better things to do than get involved in negativity with scum like you. Stick to being irate that a game is postponed because someone dies, you selfish, horrible fucker.


Active member
Mate you're a dumb cunt and a sociopath, you have always been a maggot of a human being far too enamoured with Lewandowski due to your weak-willed patriotism.

Never said that. But when you play football at any level, you can see how good or bad players are at infinitely higher levels. And you might not believe me, but I am a quality footballer (at much lower levels, obviously).

If you were in my vicinity my boot would be on your throat.
Listen pussy - i dont even have patriotism in my heart, I dont care about Lewandowski, hes playing many dogshit games nowadays mixed with some good games. I just like his overall career and his playstyle more than other footballers. You're projecting much about me being some kind of fanboy

I was playing football too many years ago and I was the best in my low tier team, nothing to bragg about

And cool your pussy because you're mad asf over dude from the internet. If I were in your vicinity you wouldnt call me anything out of being scared because i'm 190 cm (6'2 or 6'3) lethwei fighter xD what the fuck was even that dude hahaha you're so serious and mad over some Lewandowski and some dead guy you dont even know before xD


Well-known member
Telling people to do something with their lives while bragging about being the 'second most successful T-Mobile salesman in Poland'. Absolute tit. You probably sold as they couldn't get you and your ugly face away from them fast enough.

Stop quoting me you parasite. You're on ignore. Now fuck off and stop pining for my attention. Freak.
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Active member
Telling people to do something with their lives while bragging about being the 'second most successful T-Mobile salesman in Poland'. Absolute tit. You probably sold as they couldn't get you and your ugly face away from them fast enough.

Stop quoting me you parasite. You're on ignore. Now fuck off and stop pining for my attention. Freak.
I like how you're acting like you dont care, doesnt wanna get involved in negativity, putting people in ignore list, then editing your posts 15 minutes later to shit your pants again xD

If something, my face is pretty asf, basically im atleast good at every metric you can think of, but keep projecting, you have nothing else to do if you want to keep your selfworth high since you're a dogspat with no real achievements and no cool friends in real life xD

Also being second best T-Mobile salesman in my country is a big achievement and that also means I earn more money than 99% regular people in my country due to commission money but keep saying "absolute tit" xD

I read people very well, I simply know that you're frustrated as fuck and barcelona forum is a place that you have the most interactions with other people in your life, thats why you're so mad because even in your favourite place people doesnt like you and are able to smell your autism and awkwardness through the internet xD

Just take the L in real life, thats a brain diff, you're born this way, cant change that


Sheer lies. He fucked up a very crucial pass which you have wholly omitted from your assessment. Missing that pass in a bigger game is the difference between progression and elimination. Acting like he shouldn't play a part in build-up is ridiculous. You know what you are doing. Stop being so biased.

Saying whenever he receives the ball it is a terrible pass to him that only prime Messi can control or make something of? Lol, this is just sheer desperation. Made up, fantasist fanboy cult level bollocks. You rival Cristiano Ronaldo lovers for delusion and sheer spin doctoring lol.

And the reason people think Lewy is still good now is two-fold - his stats and the fact they never watch him, and also the fact he's a player who's very popular with the public. They will never criticise him as he is protected from criticism. Cristiano Ronaldo gets way more hate and criticism than Lewy despite being a far better player. Messi too. Lewy is just extremely well-liked and people don't like to mention his flaws, that's all. He's very popular as a person. More popular than better players than him. Even Temptation, who loves him, admitted he hadn't noticed Lewy's staggering level of arse-licking by others until I pointed it out.

Also, it would be good to see you and some of the other AI Lewy loving drones talk about some other football topics on here. Or does your interest in football begin and end with Robert Lewandowski?
The fuck is wrong with you? I dont even know which pass you mean, that through ball to Raphinha which ended up in GKs hands? It was not an easy pass and why for hundreds of passes which midfielders exchange between them there were 0 passes like this from them? They are supposed to be world class CMs who are praised for their passing, yet for all the time on the ball the return is almost 0. That's why I mentioned Kimmich.

Regarding other topics. I posted some in the other threads, are you following my every step to know that I only post here? Also the football discussion here is so limited that theres nothing to discuss. Theres a reason that like 5 people keep posting here.

Now you gonna act like strikers should have prime CM / CAM passing, lol. I admitted he fucked up the only chance he had to score and he also didnt get any good comments from me, I didnt rate his performance at all but keep projecting buddy. I was just explaining to the post which I answered why Lewy was not involved in the play.

You also lack basic READING and deduction skills. I didnt say he should NOT take part in build up. I said this is probably coaches instructions. Even other posters admitted that noone passed to him. I commented his performance in THIS specific match. Read the post again you. No, dont read it, im too bored of this bullshit so keep posting the same shit with 5 other members here and writing essays with made up shit


Well, he didn't do it last night. And he fucks up passes a lot. You just live in his arsehole like a sycophant.

Delicious irony of you to call someone else dumb, but thanks for the post.

Nothing to do with flashy either dafty - Xavi is one of my fave players ever. Was he flashy? Typical thicko's strawman argument which can be ripped apart in nanoseconds.

Thick, sociopathic, Polish cunt. Guys like you are too easy.
Shut up dude, you keep spewing essays left and right and nothing in them has any logic or consequence. You even contradict yourself many times. The truth is midfielders have tons of time on the ball and hundreds of passes but the amount of key passes they produce is VERY small % of all possibile passes which could have been. Can you rate that or you only count that one fucked up pass?

You know why Lewy doesnt gell well with midfielders here? Because most of them cant pass. They can dribble or resist press but they are absolutely no Kroos, Alonso, Kimmich, iniesta, xavi, thiago or modric. He is used to people who can pixel perfect pass to the attackers.

Only Yamal can do that regularly but as he is an attacker he doesnt have many chances, space or time to do that. The others keep hogging the ball and then pass to the next guy or to the winger because they are afraid of risks. What's the ball possession for if all you are doing is passing in your first third, LOL. That's why Real Madrid wins games, because they have quality passers


Senior Member
Shut up dude, you keep spewing essays left and right and nothing in them has any logic or consequence. You even contradict yourself many times. The truth is midfielders have tons of time on the ball and hundreds of passes but the amount of key passes they produce is VERY small % of all possibile passes which could have been. Can you rate that or you only count that one fucked up pass?

You know why Lewy doesnt gell well with midfielders here? Because most of them cant pass. They can dribble or resist press but they are absolutely no Kroos, Alonso, Kimmich, iniesta, xavi, thiago or modric. He is used to people who can pixel perfect pass to the attackers.

Only Yamal can do that regularly but as he is an attacker he doesnt have many chances, space or time to do that. The others keep hogging the ball and then pass to the next guy or to the winger because they are afraid of risks. What's the ball possession for if all you are doing is passing in your first third, LOL. That's why Real Madrid wins games, because they have quality passers
Just say you are stupid is enough.


Senior Member
All you need to do, is not to enter this thread, to
I don't like Messi, feel quite indifferent about Ronaldo, but don't go to their threads to stir up stink or looking for a fight, well knowing that to many people they're like the 2nd coming of Jesus.
How many "T" accounts you created in this forum to post exactly same thing?

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