Telling people to do something with their lives while bragging about being the 'second most successful T-Mobile salesman in Poland'. Absolute tit. You probably sold as they couldn't get you and your ugly face away from them fast enough.
Stop quoting me you parasite. You're on ignore. Now fuck off and stop pining for my attention. Freak.
I like how you're acting like you dont care, doesnt wanna get involved in negativity, putting people in ignore list, then editing your posts 15 minutes later to shit your pants again xD
If something, my face is pretty asf, basically im atleast good at every metric you can think of, but keep projecting, you have nothing else to do if you want to keep your selfworth high since you're a dogspat with no real achievements and no cool friends in real life xD
Also being second best T-Mobile salesman in my country is a big achievement and that also means I earn more money than 99% regular people in my country due to commission money but keep saying "absolute tit" xD
I read people very well, I simply know that you're frustrated as fuck and barcelona forum is a place that you have the most interactions with other people in your life, thats why you're so mad because even in your favourite place people doesnt like you and are able to smell your autism and awkwardness through the internet xD
Just take the L in real life, thats a brain diff, you're born this way, cant change that