In case some of you haven't noticed there are 2 Barca styles on which maz and Valon have been working. We had Nou Blaugrana as default for a while and then Old Blaugrana.
Now's the time to see your votes and decide which one we will set as default permanently.
I'm not going to vote because I can't really think what the other option is the white one? Anyway the current colour scheme looks awesome IMO, great effort from the guys.
I'll be the first to vote Nou I love the front page feature. I like being able to see the most recent posts and what's going on in the News section. Great work guys. I know it wasn't easy and we started complaining before the bugs were worked out. :thumbsup2: It's turned out terrific.
I'm not going to vote because I can't really think what the other option is the white one? Anyway the current colour scheme looks awesome IMO, great effort from the guys.
Nou Blaugrana. I can tell you guys put more time and effort on Nou Balugrana and it has paid off. all the colors and bars are going together more than Old Blaugrana