BarcaForum Trump inauguration party


Staff member
Could be fun.
[MENTION=20218]Origami[/MENTION] already said he's coming so we might as well have a chat. No thai boys allowed. Promise.


Active member
It is amazing how american propaganda machinery is so evidently trying to defame their own president. Attack after attack. That same "open minded" media and pop culture that usually promote "respect" and "rights" are now raging and rejecting the will of their own people, so openly.
Fucking amazing. Not single one of them portray them self as professionals.
While they are showing Obama's tears as USA's farewell to good old times...what times? More wars, double the debt?
How is nobody talking about this: GDP to dept ratio?
- USA: 105%
- Russia: 17%
Yet, Put in a Satan, Obama is a savior. And have in mind that's the Russia with sanctions included, with USA on top of their heads shitting all the time.
I'm not saying that either of those two are better than the other, but hearing constantly how "great we are" and how "stupid and evil they are" is sickening.


Staff member
A mannequin used for furthering neocon and globalist agenda (2 sides of the same coin). We all know that mate.

I don't think Trump will change anything fundamentaly even if he tries as Congress, Senate and deep state will opose him.

Most prominent republicans like Cruz, McCain, Ryan or others are war mongering retards or useful fools, whatever term you prefer.

There are smart people like Ron Paul but he is a minority.

El Flaco

Active member
Donald Trump will hold his inauguration speech in few minutes.

Official: Donald Trump has just been sowrn in as USA's 45th president.


Staff member
Yeah, his speeches aren't special.
I was more interested in ceremony.

I remember the hype for Obama's inauguration. I was genuinly moved and bought his empty speech. It was few months after BarcaForum was created, Pep's team was forming and we started to see new hope there too.
Special times.

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