Joan Laporta


Senior Member
To be honest Font has also said he wants Haaland. The guy is so good it’s just obvious any team would love to have him.


Senior Member
Not saying I believe Laporta but it makes sense financially though. Wouldn?t get more than 40/50m each for Coutinho and Griezmann. That totals Halaand?s 75+ fees.

I know you want Font/Xavi but imo no way Xavi would want Haaland. He?ll try go back to Tika Taka which nowadays is more or less dead imo.

I think it's speculation at this point. Pep did what Ibrahimovic.


Senior Member
Plus he's played with Eto'o, Henry, Suarez, Kluivert, Larsson, Villa, Torres etc. I think he knows the importance of a top number 9.

Yea, and as far as I know bout his period in Qatar (admittedly very little), he's fancied a 4-2-3-1 there. Which is even more based on a strong, lethal no9, who can hold the ball very well and dominate defenders.


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Just reeks of more cheap stunts to impress due to his name.

It id a project Barca need not this Laporta attention seeking with no substance to the campaign he is putting forward.


Senior Member

I have to say I was a big fan of Laporta returning, especially when we were suffering under Bartomeu.

But my gut instinct says Laporta has been away from football too long and doesn't really have too much idea how to move Barca forward which is why he's pulling stunts like this.

Still love the guy though.


Senior Member
🗣️[@sialfutur] | Font reply to Laporta

"Joan in this you are the ******* master👏😂 But with banners, we will neither win Champions, nor build a new stadium, nor solve the debt of the club. Therefore to contrast projects 💪 and see you on 24th"

Laporta wins this low difficulty


��️[@sialfutur] | Font reply to Laporta

"Joan in this you are the ******* master���� But with banners, we will neither win Champions, nor build a new stadium, nor solve the debt of the club. Therefore to contrast projects �� and see you on 24th"

Laporta wins this low difficulty

Most catalan answers to that tweet are supporting Laporta. Crazy how popular he is.

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