Kylian Mbappé


Well-known member
On the international level, yes, his record on the club level is more of a mixed bag, he was absolutely awful in the return leg against Bayern, for one.
I agree with the return leg against Bayern but have to consider that he was marked by 2-3 plyaers all the time and he didnt really have support from the midfield, Ney is the best man to feed Mbappe with passes but he was missing. Otherwise last year he was outstanding against Madrid, the year before he scored a hattrick in Camp Nou and 2 goals against Bayern in quarter final. Against City media said he was injured, he didnt make any runs so i think its true.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
He is a tremendous player but I don't know how Madrid are going to fit him in both tactically and mentally. Tactically Vini is at his best out on the left and Mbappe is at his best there too. There will be a clash of egos for sure.
Also Mbappes ego is out of control. PSG have catered to his ego but I doubt Real will. The man has too much drama and Perez is a fool if he thinks it can work. He should sign Jane and then later Haaland as a replacement.
Should sign Tarzan as well, the chemistry between the two would be amazing.


Senior Member

Mbappe, Haaland and Vini all want to be main players, score a lot of easy goals and win ballon d'ors.

This 3 will never play together, especially Haaland and Mbappe who aim scoring goals and braking records like most goals in CL etc.

If Mbappe throws away a year of his career in Saudi Arabia, does he really care too much about those things?

His motivations up until now has been mainly about one thing, don't see it changing.


Senior Member
So it's all down to Madrid has a big problem integrating him, right?

In the meantime we are struggling to register some unknown Brazilian kid or the rest of our squad.

Best player around vs some clowns that we would like to get. Seems like Barca are set for the next 10 years dawg.


Senior Member
If he goes to KSA even for a year he'll return being half the player he was. Hate Ligue Un all you want, but without weekly practice against professional defenders, his striker instincts will become blunt like a spoon.


Senior Member
Totally not a story written by psg to try and force Madrid's hand. Imagine they actually fall for this shit and pay a transfer fee instead of signing for free next january


Senior Member
If he goes to KSA even for a year he'll return being half the player he was. Hate Ligue Un all you want, but without weekly practice against professional defenders, his striker instincts will become dull.
Does Mbappe actually care about this stuff though? Signing an extension at PSG last year tells you all you need to know about what his intentions for his career are. He knows France are so strong he can have an entire legacy built off Euros/World Cups. They'll likely win at least one more trophy before he retires.

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