Lionel Messi - v7


New member
I don't understand why he's burning bridges here. I know he's sick of Bartomeu and the useless board but the fans and the city have always supported him even in bad times.
The least he could do is be upfront and address the situation clearly and directly.
I really think Koemans direct style didn't sit well with him plus the fact that even Barto called out the seniors and put them on notice. He's used to being pampered and that wasn't going to happen anymore.
Koemans style doesnt have much to do with it IMO, but it still rubbed him the wrong way. People are talking about respect towards the club and then club calls one of our best players in last 5 years (Suarez) and tells him he is fired over one minute phone call. How is that "direct" and respectful? Really suita current board and Koeman tbh...


New member
If he doesn't speak tomorrow (Friday) it might be too late. Will probably announce on social media he's leaving like Neymar. Not a good way for a legend to leave.

I expect nothing until it is official that he leaves. And after that probably a video on Instagram or so with some generic thank you talking, ending with visca Barca, visca Cataluna.


Senior Member
Koemans style doesnt have much to do with it IMO, but it still rubbed him the wrong way. People are talking about respect towards the club and then club calls one of our best players in last 5 years (Suarez) and tells him he is fired over one minute phone call. How is that "direct" and respectful? Really suita current board and Koeman tbh...

Maybe the phone call lasts less than 2 minutes due to Suarez not liking what has been told.

What do you expect Koeman to do? Fly round Europe talking to the players? Or wait for them to get back and delay decisions?

There is nothing wrong to call him and tell him plans.

Suarez is as direspectful as they come so he can cry his way to another club.


Senior Member
Koemans style doesnt have much to do with it IMO, but it still rubbed him the wrong way. People are talking about respect towards the club and then club calls one of our best players in last 5 years (Suarez) and tells him he is fired over one minute phone call. How is that "direct" and respectful? Really suita current board and Koeman tbh...

Let's be honest, no one knows that, we only have hundreds of media claims often contradicting. For all we know maybe it was like that or Suarez didn't even answer his phone.
The idea is that major cleaning was announced after Bayern and now of course there is huge drama.


New member
700m or 100m + Garcia and KDB for 33yr old with less then a year on his contract (especially in situation were we know ae are not going to be contenders next year)? How is that threating Messi any better then he is threating club (I mean he sent transfer request, thats OK, better then one minute talk to tell Suarez he is fired over the phone)
The way the club treated Suarez is unacceptable and I have made that clear. However, I do not believe that has anything to do with Messi nor does it excuse his behaviour.
Threatening? Messi signed a contract and he must fulfill it. It is really that simple.


Let's be honest, no one knows that, we only have hundreds of media claims often contradicting. For all we know maybe it was like that or Suarez didn't even answer his phone.
The idea is that major cleaning was announced after Bayern and now of course there is huge drama.

No one knows anything. Let's accept that before making any conclusions.


Senior Member
If City is serious, they can offer Bernardo+Garcia+60 million. I would take that.

Messi's salary won't be a problem if he REALLY wants to play for Pep again... He will take a pay cut.


New member
He must speak soon if he wants to get himself out of this mess and there are three options:
- Should finance his own clause just like Neymar did and pay up 700m
- Should convince City to make a decent offer, for example, KDB + Garcia + 50m - 100m
- Should apologize and express his desire to leave the club next season (of course, for free) and will do his best to enjoy his last season with the club

He does not deserve to be treated respectfully with the way he is handling his situation. His departure is a big deal on so many different levels and cannot just decide to leave suddenly, particularly when the club showed nothing but respect. The club was even willing to let him go for free had he honoured the contract.

Barca Clowns of Barto having an overtime. It's much easier he will walk away for free


New member
Maybe the phone call lasts less than 2 minutes due to Suarez not liking what has been told.

What do you expect Koeman to do? Fly round Europe talking to the players? Or wait for them to get back and delay decisions?

There is nothing wrong to call him and tell him plans.

Suarez is as direspectful as they come so he can cry his way to another club.
See thats the thing, people are asking for respect towards the club but are acting surprised when veterans (who won multiple trophies in last 5-6 years) get told of via 1 minute phone call.

I am no fan of Suarez, but this board has shown plenty of times they dont know how to run the club. Goes from transfer policies, wage management, player management, coach mamagement, pretty much everything they did in last 5yrs is worse then worst any of our player has done.


New member
The way the club treated Suarez is unacceptable and I have made that clear. However, I do not believe that has anything to do with Messi nor does it excuse his behaviour.
Threatening? Messi signed a contract and he must fulfill it. It is really that simple.
And he has 9 more months to fullfil it and then go for free. Looking at it rationally, we wont contend, with him or without him. So putting him on bench to prove the point and then letting him go for free 9 months after is not exactly the way I expect this to go.


Senior Member
Threatening? Messi signed a contract and he must fulfill it. It is really that simple.

Suarez, Alba,Busquets, Vidal,Rakitic all have contracts that must be fulfilled by the club too. We shouldn't even told them to leave if we apply same logic.
The contract is signed by 2 parties, non of them is bigger than the other


New member
And he has 9 more months to fullfil it and then go for free. Looking at it rationally, we wont contend, with him or without him. So putting him on bench to prove the point and then letting him go for free 9 months after is not exactly the way I expect this to go.
You accused and blamed the club for wanting Messi to fulfil his contract. Now, you are asking to look at it rationally. I do not believe that I understand what you trying to say.

Who said Messi should be benched?

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