Average Poss
Liverpool 58.4%
Swansea 55.9%
Pass Acc/Passes
Liverpool 85.1%/11664
Swansea 84.9%/11497
Short passes PG
Liverpool 481 85% total
Swansea 472 85% total
Shots /Conceeded PG
Liverpool 18/12
Swansea 14/15
Arial duels win%
Liverpool 53%
Swansea 42%
Interceptions PG
Liverpool 13
Swansea 16
Dribbles PG
Liverpool 10
Swansea 5
Tackles PG
Liverpool 21
Swansea 18
Fouls PG
Liverpool 10
Swansea 12
Offsides PG
Liverpool 2
Swansea 2
Action zones
Liverpool 27% own half, 43% middle third, 30% opponents half
Swansea 29% own half, 48% middle third, 23% opponents half
Attack sides
Liverpool 36% left side, 28% middle, 37% right side
Swansea 28% left side, 32% middle, 40% right side
That possession stat can't be right.
your face when u realize liverpool have the 3rd highest possession in the league. just 0.3% less than man city and 0.2% behind arsenal
I would rather look at your face as you try to explain how it is possible to have more than 100% possession in a football match.
Average Poss
Liverpool 58.4%
Swansea 55.9%
^that's how
where did the over 100% come from it says 58%
Old man Sunyol doesn't quite get it's average possession, as in the sum of their possession percentages throughout the season divided by the number of league games played. Not this particular match![]()
Those stats are for the Liverpool Swansea match and their average possession during that match, which doesn't add up.
Those stats are for the Liverpool Swansea match and their average possession during that match, which doesn't add up.
Looking at the other stats in that list, what does PG stand for in your opinion? Isn't it per game? Which should indicate those stats are for the whole season, not that specific match. Or look at the second stat, the pass accuracy/passes one. So Liverpool and Swansea both played more than 11,000 passes in one match?! Even Barca isn't capable of that!
Liverpool FC @LFC
Borini set to miss rest of season
borinifabio29 fabio borini 22h
@LucasLeiva87 listening your advice!!