Mason Greenwood


Senior Member
It does kinda speak to the degenerating values of the West that people are more animated about hurty words on an internet forum than the prospect of cheering on a Rapewood.


Well-known member
It does kinda speak to the degenerating values of the West that people are more animated about hurty words on an internet forum than the prospect of cheering on a Rapewood.
Greenwood's an absolute cunt of a guy but it's not because he's black. How it has become a race debate I am not sure.


Well-known member
Clown level statement if there ever was one.
Indeed. Those 'hurty words on an internet forum' spill over into the real world. Only the other day I learned a guy I know called a player a 'black bastard who needs a wash' and threw water in his face because he scored against his team at the 7 a side tournament we were at. I would never have expected this of this guy at all as he always seemed ultra cool. There's underlying and even unconscious racism in people you'd never expect it of. Maybe it's even in me.

I am not saying there aren't studies that show some races or peoples are more prone to violence etc as Gnidro keeps saying. But the blanket statement of black people for instance as savages, and aggressive morons, just doesn't hold true based on some of the black guys I have had the pleasure to know.


Well-known member
When women call men out for abusing them, those men are absolutely castigated and rightly so.

However, when women willingly stay with men that abuse them because they are prepared to put up with the abuse in exchange for money and material objects, they should not be questioned ??????

Can't have it both ways. Sounds like a pretty unfair stance on men, where women are not held accountable for their actions, but men are.
It's probably partly that she likes the trappings of money and fame, but also that she has Stockholm Syndrome i.e. she believes he's 'not that bad' and has been gaslit into thinking he's ok and will change. Women are complex and always believe a man can change, and usually their self-esteem is in the gutter because of the man negging them.

This case is even more convoluted because the man in question is rich, famous and powerful, as I stated the temptation of all the material possessions she can have. To be fair I bet her father is putting pressure on her to stay as by all accounts he wants all the money and success that comes with her relationship with him.

Even when a problematic guy is poor women are gaslit into staying with him, so I am not surprised that she wants to stay with a good looking, talented, rich footballer, even though he's a massive cunt and an abuser.


Active member
It does kinda speak to the degenerating values of the West that people are more animated about hurty words on an internet forum than the prospect of cheering on a Rapewood.
..this is another stupid, if not more moronic angle to view what that racist typed.

You are free to make your points on any issue without spinning hateful generalisations. What is more degenerating is the tolerance and encouragenent of xenophobia In any social space.

What that dude typed is called bigotry, on the same pedestal as what he is supposedly mad about. So whats the differencce?
Racism, rape, bigotry are all in the same basket.
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Active member
No they're not you absolute mental case.
Lol.... i will not condone any of them.

Its easy to know the one you will proudly engage in.

When you are done, endeavour to search the meaning of "social mental illness", then take a look into the mirror, deeply and slowly .... You should be able to decipher who is the mental case after that.


Senior Member
Funny how these woketurds scream their lungs out to virtue signal their cult programming, but don't actually say what they disagree with. That ME/African societies treat women like property/animals? Guess patriarchy is only bad, when white people do it.


Well-known member
Funny how these woketurds scream their lungs out to virtue signal their cult programming, but don't actually say what they disagree with. That ME/African societies treat women like property/animals? Guess patriarchy is only bad, when white people do it.
Already said you have a point that Middle Eastern and African men/societies are more savage. Same as Eastern Europeans (whites) are more volatile than Western. The point is your blanket statement that all black people are like that and it's part of their innate nature as a person. There's many many placid minority men.

You take generalisations and apply them to everyone.


Senior Member
It's a valid generalization backed by facts. Doesn't imply "all", which is usually used as strawman. Miniscule minority of liberals in those societies only afirm what is rule. Just look at the migrant rape pandemic in the West to see how deluded wokies are. And that's doing it to complete strangers randomly in streets, not within family. You will never hear men being punished for "domestic sbuse" in muslim or African countries. Such legal concept doesn't exist there.


Well-known member
I'm heading out to play football in three hours. I have to get ready for that first, so don't wanna become embroiled in big debate with you at this moment.

I will say the following though.

I never disagreed with you or denied that, and have sympathy with your argument over the number of scummy immigrants (illegal or otherwise) or second or third generation immigrants raping, pillaging and murdering in Western societies. I also agree with your comments about Middle Eastern African societies etc being less advanced in terms of civility too (though that opens up a new can of worms about how in recent history European societies became the most advanced and had a starting advantage, but won't go there).

But the point I am making is this: yes, in general, there likely are more volatile, aggressive, savage minority men than white men. But you blanket apply it to all minorities as if it's naturally in them. Maybe it is in some of them. However, there are many, MANY exceptions.

Think about the black kid immigrants who stay round the corner from me. One of them in particular is a very shy teenage lad, wouldn't harm a fly. Has a shy and kind smile for everyone. Are you telling me that kid is an aggressive savage? All he shares with those scummy rapist immigrants is colour of skin. He's far more like me (a middle-aged white man) in that he's a polite, friendly, law-abiding member of society.

I just think it's very unfair to categorise the likes of him (and there's many like him) as 'the same as all the rest' because he's black. You can't just neatly pigeon-hole people in boxes. Life and people are more complex than that.

I thin you're so wrapped up in your political and racial affinities and opinions that it makes you stubborn and refuses to let you see that there's a lot of good people in the races you hate too. You'd rather make blanket statements.

Of course it would be foolish to claim that Middle Eastern or African societies are as advanced as European (taking into account the historical, geographical and cultural factors which partly account for that). But that's not the argument I am making - what I am saying is there's a lot of decent people in these races and phenotypes but you refuse to give them a chance because of your hateful bigotry. You just throw them all in the same bottle.


Well-known member
But yes, I get your point that you don't literally mean 'all' and think I am making a strawman. My point is that the prevalence of decent minority males is much higher than you'll admit.


Well-known member
Also (sorry for the multiple posts). If you're trying to tell me about how fucked up and backward Middle Eastern society is, then you're preaching to the choir.

But with the average citizen, how much of their bigoted beliefs about women, gays etc are innate to them, and how much are culturally determined i.e. shaped by the only society they are accustomed to and know. They've been told all their lives that gays are degenerates (I know you agree with that too) and that women are their subordinates. Is it possible they'd think differently had they grown up in a more 'advanced' society?

It's a nature vs nurture debate too. A person's autonomy and free will vs the cultural and national beliefs that have been instilled in them.

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