Neighborhood Dreams (novel about Lamine Yamal)


New member
Hello, I really enjoy writing, and I am writing several novels, among them, one about Lamine Yamal and his life which I want to share here.

I have to remind you that it is a novel and any resemblance to reality is coincidental, most of the things I tell are made up or the fruit of my imagination.

You can say whatever you want and make all kinds of critiques, but I would appreciate it if they were always from a place of respect and education.

In any case, I hope you like it. I leave the prologue here for you:



In the vibrant heart of Spain, under the glow of the city lights, the story of Lamine Yamal was forged. His parents, Mounir and Sheila, from Morocco and Equatorial Guinea, wove the threads of his destiny in Spanish lands. From his early childhood, Lamine breathed the air of passion and determination, wrapped in the magical aura of Barcelona.

Flashes of Genius

Lamine’s early years were a whirlwind of discoveries and adventures in the bustling neighborhoods of Barcelona. His insatiable curiosity and contagious smile set him apart from the crowd, marking his unique and extraordinary destiny.


Dreams in the Playground

In the city’s street soccer fields, Lamine found his true home. Each kick of the ball was an expression of his overflowing passion and innate ability. Dreams of greatness and glory were nurtured in his youthful heart.


The Path to the Summit

The football academy La Masía became his school of magic, where each training session was an opportunity to polish his talent and feed his ambition. With each goal, Lamine wrote his name in the stars, preparing to reach the highest heights of the sport.


Challenges and Triumphs

The path to the summit was not without obstacles, but Lamine faced each challenge with courage and determination. Each victory on the field was one more step towards the realization of his dreams, consolidating his place in the history of football.


Beyond Football

But Lamine’s greatness transcended the boundaries of sport. His charisma and dedication inspired those around him, turning him into an icon of hope and overcoming. His story is a testament that dreams, no matter how big, are attainable for those who dare to pursue them.


Leave me your opinion and if I see that you like it, I will share the first chapter.


New member
Hello everyone. No one has told me anything, but in any case, I leave you here the introduction:

Introduction: The Origins:

In a small village on the outskirts of Marrakech, where the Atlas Mountains meet the sky, Mounir and Sheila lived a simple life full of love. Mounir, a man of strong traditions and passion for football, found in Sheila, a woman from Equatorial Guinea with a voice that could calm the Sahara wind, an unparalleled life partner.

Mounir worked in the fields, but each evening, his true passion came to life on the improvised football pitches that the village youth created among the alleys and squares. Sheila, on the other hand, taught at the village’s small school, sharing her love for music and poetry with the children, who saw in her a maternal figure.

Life in Morocco was hard, and although happiness was found in the little things, the shadow of an uncertain future was always present. The land they loved so much could not always provide what was necessary for a full life, and the promise of a better tomorrow led them to look beyond the horizon.

The decision to leave their home was not easy. Mounir and Sheila packed their dreams and hopes along with their most precious belongings, leaving behind memories and roots, but taking with them the essence of their culture and the strength of their love. Emigrating to Spain was a leap into the unknown, an act of faith and courage.

They arrived in Esplugas de Llobregat in search of new opportunities, but life in a new country presented challenges they never imagined. The language barrier, cultural differences, and daily struggle for survival tested their resilience. However, they found solace in the immigrant community, a mosaic of stories and dreams similar to their own.

In this melting pot of cultures, Lamine was born, a bridge between two worlds, a new hope. From his first breath, it was clear that he was special. His birth not only marked the beginning of a new life for Mounir and Sheila but also the start of a story that would change their lives forever.

The life of Lamine Yamal is a narrative of love, sacrifice, and hope. It is the story of two people who crossed seas and deserts in search of a better future, not only for themselves but for the son they would bring into this world. A son who would carry in his name and blood the heritage of two continents, and who would become a symbol of overcoming and success in the world of professional football.

This is the story of how, before Lamine took his first step, his parents had already traveled thousands of kilometers to give him a world of possibilities8. It is a story that begins with a goodbye and transforms into a legacy of triumphs. It is the prologue to a life that, although written in another dimension, inspires us all to pursue our dreams, no matter the distances we must travel


Senior Member
Morocco catching strays hehe..

Not bad but for more literariness try to show more and tell less. Ur style of writing is too prosaic and too direct. Thanks for sharing


New member
Thank you for sharing your opinion. This is just the beginning; during development, there will be much dialogue, and it will become more visible. I recommend continuing to read.

Well, this is the first chapter:

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

In Esplugues de Llobregat, Lamine’s life began with the gentle lullaby of Sheila, his mother. Her voice, rich and warm, filled the room with melodies from Equatorial Guinea, lulling little Lamine in her arms. “My little treasure,” she whispered, “your heart will always carry the rhythm of our land.”

Mounir, his father, watched from the doorway with a mix of pride and distance. His love for football was the legacy he wished to share with his son. Often, he would gently place Lamine on his lap, opening his heart only through the anthems of Real Madrid and the vibrant colors of the team on television. “One day you will understand what this badge means,” Mounir said, pointing to the club’s emblem.

Days passed, and Lamine grew under Sheila’s watchful eye. She celebrated every small achievement, from his first babblings to the moment he began to crawl, exploring every corner of their humble home. “Look, Mounir Our son is moving on his own!” she exclaimed with joy. But Mounir only nodded, his mind lost in dreams of sporting triumphs.

Conversations between the parents often revolved around Lamine’s future. Sheila, with her innate wisdom, insisted on the importance of raising Lamine with love and freedom. “I want our son to know the beauty of life, not just competition,” she said with conviction. Mounir, though in agreement, couldn’t help but imagine Lamine following in his footballing footsteps.

Scene: First Steps

One afternoon, as the sun set, Lamine stood up, wobbly but determined. Sheila encouraged him with applause and smiles, while Mounir watched from his chair, a sports newspaper in hand.

Sheila: “Come on, Lamine You can do it, my love.”

Mounir: (Without looking up) “Yes, champion, show what you’re made of.”

With a titanic effort, Lamine took his first step, and then another, until he fell into his mother’s open arms. Sheila hugged him tightly, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. Mounir finally put the newspaper aside and joined the embrace, a rare but sincere smile adorning his face.

Sheila: “Do you see, Mounir? Our little one is walking.”

Mounir: “Yes, he will be a great player, I feel it.”

Sheila looked at Mounir with a mix of frustration and love. “He will be whatever he decides to be,” she replied softly, “and we will support him every step of the way.”

Scene: Music and Football

Night had fallen over Esplugues de Llobregat, and in the Yamal household, two worlds coexisted in harmony. Sheila, with Lamine in her arms, gently rocking him, sang a lullaby that seemed to carry the echo of the forests of Equatorial Guinea. Her voice, sweet and reassuring, filled the room with maternal warmth that promised protection and love.

Mounir, seated on the couch with the remote control in hand, awaited the start of the Real Madrid match. The club’s anthem, strong and proud, began to play from the television, but he lowered the volume, aware of the special moment between mother and son.

Sheila: (Singing softly) “Sleep, my child, sleep now…”

Lamine, with his little eyes struggling against sleep, listened enraptured. But when the anthem of Madrid filtered through his mother’s voice, he frowned. In an act of childish protest, he brought his little hands to his ears and began to cry, rejecting the chords that interrupted his peace.

Mounir: (Concerned) “What’s wrong, champion? Don’t you like the anthem?”

Sheila looked at Mounir with an understanding smile and continued singing, cradling Lamine closer to her heart.

Sheila: “Don’t worry, Mounir. Our little one just wants to hear his mother’s song.”

Mounir, though a little disappointed, couldn’t help but smile at his son’s innocent rebellion. He turned off the television and approached them, watching as Lamine instantly calmed down with Sheila’s lullabies.

Mounir: “Maybe you’re right. There’s time for football. Now is the time for dreams and songs.”

The scene faded with the image of Lamine, finally surrendering to sleep in his mother’s arms, while in the silence of the night, love and music were the true victors. It was an intimate moment, a memory that Lamine would carry with him throughout his life, a reminder that, despite his father’s passions, it was his mother’s love that truly shaped his world.

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