Toni Fernández


Senior Member


His cousin Guille is more hyped and a better talent but Toni is also a good little player. Despite interest from other clubs he has agreed to renew until 2027 when he turns 16.

(FERNANDEZ): Toni Fernández contract renewal is 100% done. The player will sign until 2027 on June 16th.

Bayer Leverkusen were the first major European club to show interest in Toni Fernández. Juventus and Manchester City also made very appealing offers in terms of both sports and financials, which Barça couldn't match.

Toni's plan was to stay at Barça, and the club were committed in keeping him.

Via: @jaumemarcet [sport]



Senior Member
This guy done a great job running AirAsia, not so great at owning QPR though.

Excited to see what he can do as a footballer.

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