Which players should FC Barcelona buy in the upcoming years and why?


New member
As we all know the current era under Pep has been extremely successful and does not seem to end right away. Having said that it is still important to adjust the team every season as we have seen under Pep (Alves, Villa, Ibra, Mascherano, Keita etc.).

In my opinion we need a long-term replacements for Puyol, Xavi and Villa. I am not saying they should be replaced after this saeson (would be outragoues) but it is definitely very crucial to find the right players who could be their successors.

If we take a look at our canteranos there are enough potential replacements for Puyol (Fontas, Muniesa, Batra, Gomez etc) and to a lesser extent Xavi. (Dos Santos, Thiago although he seems to resemble Iniesta more) The situation is a bit different when it comes to strikers, where Bojan seems to be the only one who could be capable of replacing Villa. Etock etc. are still too young but they could of course still play a role.

Cesc seems to be the priority quite understandably. He is without a doubt the ideal heir to Xavis current role in the team.

But what about Puyol and Villa? Let us assume none of our canteranos will be able to succeed them, which players should then be bought?

As it is now I prefer Pato and Sakho, who's contract expires in 2012. Both players are suited to our style of play and appears to be individuals who easily would adjust to our team both as players and individuals. Furthermore Pato is very similar to Villa and would fit like a glove in our flexible 4-3-3 system. A trio of Pedro (24), Pato (22) and Messi (24) could really be a devastating and long-term strikeforce.

When it comes to Sakho (20) then he has all the abilities and talent to succeed Puyol. Physical strenght, great leadership abilities and positioning, pace, technique and versatility. He still lacks experience internationally even though Blanc has called him up to the French national team recently. But the fact that he was named the captain of PSG at the age of 17 years says a lot about his abilities.

Recently there have been rumours of FC Barcelonas interest so he could definitely to be a realistic purchase, especially when his contract is due to expire in 2012 (summer).

What do you think?
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Senior Member
we will also need to replace Abidal: with fabio/Monreal/Tiawo

Puyol: Botia/Luiz/Kjaer/Hummels

Villa: Pato,Dezko

Xavi: Pastore/Ganzo

But in all likely won its a cantera player that will replace Puyol and Xavi, maybe abidal as well, so this tread is kind of hard for me

Bartra,Fontas > Puyol
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Active member
pato would be good, idk if we can afford him though. he's only going to get better and that would = higher price


previously known as Jonathan28
I would love Pato to come, but I dont knwo if we could afford him, also I would prefer Sakho over David Luiz or any other CB.


we need a goalkeeper(young one)
CB? not... we have Puyol,Milito,Abidal,Barta,Fontas,Pique..
RB and LB.. meybe... cacares is on loan transfer but we need a subs for dani alves
a midifler, only fabregas
attack? no...


I think Barcelona's style doesn't need a new players because Barcelona's style needs some attitudes should be exist in the player who's (( dreaming )) of Playing with with Barca, Current time we don't need any new player except "Cesc", and I think he's about leaving Gunners soon the rumors begin again I read some article about his leaving.
Link deleted. No shady links for new members. Thanx


Active member
I think Barcelona's style doesn't need a new players because Barcelona's style needs some attitudes should be exist in the player who's (( dreaming )) of Playing with with Barca, Current time we don't need any new player except "Cesc", and I think he's about leaving Gunners soon the rumors begin again I read some article about his leaving

i read that... "Posted by Muhammed at 2:36 PM"

that's not you is it? :lol:


Improvin' Perfection!!
If Pep is still here for two more years, we would sure buy Juan Mata... He would be perfect successor for Villa's throne. Although it also depends on two or three other factors like how Afellay settles in here and how far Bojan lives up to the expectations


Senior Member
I thought that depending on how Bojan did this year would determine his future at the club...but then they went on and extended his contract to 2015 which threw me off. I like Bojan but he's really disappointed me this year after having a great end of last season...I hope he improves.

As for striker, sure. I wouldn't mind splashing some cash only if it were for a younger, experienced striker. Pato is my favorite choice. He's 21 and extremely close to becoming a world class, complete striker regardless of having hindered development at the nursing home known as Milan. He needs a creative midfield to unleash his talent and get him back into making creative runs. I honestly can't think of any other strikers. Buying a player in his prime is unneeded since we have Villa so youth would be the way to go. Imo is Pato stays golden get him summer 2012 with Cesc being priority this summer.

Dzeko does not reflect our style. If Ibra wouldn't work what makes you think he would. A Mata doesn't, and has never, impressed me. Ever. NO THANK YOU.

Midfield- Cesc. The sad part is we might not need him with Thiago looking brilliant and Ibrahim looking very capable of adapting to our style.

Defense- Puyol is getting old, Milito (who's also old) recently requested to leave Barca since he's not playing as much as he'd like. Abidal is also getting old and isn't a natural CB. We definately need to buy unless Barta or Fontas are integrated into the first team soon. We honestly haven't seen enough of them to know if they can make it and are still very young. If we brought in someone I'd like it to be preferably Thiago Silva, he's still pretty young and I think he's awesome. David Luiz is my second choice.


New member
As much as i like David Luiz, i wouldn't want him transferring to Barca - Benfica are demanding crazy money, that even if we could afford it, we could spend it on better or just as good CB's.


Mr. Japes
Sakho to replace Abidal in a year or two makes a lot of sense.

One of the youth prospects we have will be the one to replace Puyol.

I'd prefer Pato over Mata to replace el Dave in a few seasons, I think, depending on how they both progress. I'd love Aguero if keeps improving but he's not really suited to playing out wide, he'd have to play in the middle and that's where Messi will be.


I think a CB will be promoted from Barca B as soon as Milito leaves, either Fontas or Bartra. If Adriano can't deliver decent performances as backup FB for the rest of this season, the team might transfer him out and spend some euros on a replacement, but likely not any superstar unless Alves refuses to extend.

I don't think any midfielders will be bought. Over the summer, maybe a high potential young goalie to replace Pinto, groom to eventually replace Valdes.

The question for the rest of the season is if Ibi will be used at forward. If not, or if he proves suited only for midfield, I'm sure the team will buy a forward next summer. Neymar's aggressiveness is what Barca is looking for, someone to draw lots of penalties for Messi to convert.

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