Cule4life ammarfcb Cule4life wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Jan 28, 2013 Some tips for my 500th post dedication?
Deco 20 Fishdoll Deco 20 wrote on Fishdoll's profile. Jan 28, 2013 I saw the first half and parts of the second, he didn't put a foot wrong
Deco 20 Cule4life Deco 20 wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 28, 2013 It's good but stop sending me PMs, they're a hassle later since there's a limit and you've got to delete them to send new ones I'm more of a fan of the brunette than the blonde but that's just a matter of taste
It's good but stop sending me PMs, they're a hassle later since there's a limit and you've got to delete them to send new ones I'm more of a fan of the brunette than the blonde but that's just a matter of taste
ammarfcb Cule4life ammarfcb wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 28, 2013 DAT pimpin still needs more pink though
ammarfcb Cule4life ammarfcb wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 28, 2013 any size works. just set it to repeat: both.
Cule4life ammarfcb Cule4life wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Jan 28, 2013 What should be the picture size to us a sbackground? i have 1366x768 pictures
Cule4life ammarfcb Cule4life wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Jan 28, 2013 Why dont you have Mourinho's pictures everywhere then?
Cule4life ammarfcb Cule4life wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Jan 28, 2013 Wouldnt that be gay? I thought about Amber heard ?
ammarfcb Cule4life ammarfcb wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 28, 2013 pm are too physically demanding... this profile needs ronaldo pics everywhere. and pink, always pink
ammarfcb Cule4life ammarfcb wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 28, 2013 only deco has the powers to do it. too lazy to pm back so vivstor messege