ammarfcb Deco 20 ammarfcb wrote on Deco 20's profile. Feb 7, 2013 i won't let it happen again : determinated:
GiantKiller ammarfcb GiantKiller wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Feb 6, 2013 Yo. Is it that my internet's failing me or is there nobody on chat? >.>
GiantKiller ammarfcb GiantKiller wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Feb 5, 2013 Ah, nice. Yeah, you should finish that assignment. It becomes a pain if you delay it and yes, I used to do it too and had to learn from it, lol. :O
Ah, nice. Yeah, you should finish that assignment. It becomes a pain if you delay it and yes, I used to do it too and had to learn from it, lol. :O
ammarfcb GiantKiller ammarfcb wrote on GiantKiller's profile. Feb 5, 2013 i'll be on later, just lurkin forum and doing assigment
GiantKiller ammarfcb GiantKiller wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Feb 5, 2013 Yo, Ammar. What's up? Won't be coming on chat anymore? :/
Deco 20 Cule4life Deco 20 wrote on Cule4life's profile. Feb 5, 2013 Would have to come up with a good name first
loozy Deco 20 loozy wrote on Deco 20's profile. Feb 3, 2013 dang it should've taken a text from one of my pupil's essays, sometimes even i can't decipher what they are trying to tell me mensch means a human person; it is used as an exclamation of annoyance or frustration, mostly
dang it should've taken a text from one of my pupil's essays, sometimes even i can't decipher what they are trying to tell me mensch means a human person; it is used as an exclamation of annoyance or frustration, mostly
Deco 20 loozy Deco 20 wrote on loozy's profile. Feb 3, 2013 "there are (very) many people in the city, so I don't feel lonely" or "there's a lot of people in the city, so I don't feel lonely" Also, could "mensch" mean woman? In "the book thief" it's used like that in an insult. I hadn't heard of "einsam" before but it sounds/looks like the Swedish word for lonely which is "ensam"
"there are (very) many people in the city, so I don't feel lonely" or "there's a lot of people in the city, so I don't feel lonely" Also, could "mensch" mean woman? In "the book thief" it's used like that in an insult. I hadn't heard of "einsam" before but it sounds/looks like the Swedish word for lonely which is "ensam"
Puyol the wall ammarfcb Puyol the wall wrote on ammarfcb's profile. Feb 2, 2013 ammar come to msn will you
Deco 20 Ode to Django Deco 20 wrote on Ode to Django's profile. Feb 1, 2013 Sig done Post at forum analysis and you shall receive
Deco 20 Cule4life Deco 20 wrote on Cule4life's profile. Jan 31, 2013 got taken down due to containing offensive words