what does that even mean, we lost to Villareal, you lost to Frankfurt; has nothing to do with the quality of the player; van Diijk was trying to secure a transfer to Celtic at his age.
Mane will probably play as a 9; I am sure the board wanted to keep him for another year but he was serious about going out, also we couldnt get DeLigt if we didnt sell him; so all in all I think a very good deal for bayern. Hopefully some new striker talent will arise this year; Bayern wants...
yeah,it was time, didnt want Robbery to happen again (extending players past his best). Its been a long time since we played without a striker;with Pep Lewa was benched quite often to play with a false 9; really dont know, hope it works.
I really dont know what the coaches were thinking when he was young; he could be a WC wing back; kind of reminds me of Werner; a guy that is just playing the wrong position.