Glad that I didn't cancel my commitment-card after all, guess with Bartomeu as president the former rules won't change.
In July I'll have finished my 3 years of commitment-card, so normally in December I can finally become a soci now, yay.
According to the survey that TV3 did today (among 10% of the voters), 70% of the socis do NOT want to sign Pogba for 80M euro. So I guess he won't be coming then next year after all.
With Bartomeu we have just as much chance to sign Pogba as with Laporta. When Bartomeu offers Pogba that 12M-net-salary, I'm sure Raiola will become "very good friends" with Bartomeu too.
That's similar to all previous elections. I think only in 2003 (when things went really bad) there were more people who came to vote.
In the 2010-election there were slightly more voters than today I think, but back then there were a lot more socis, so the relative result is comparable.
Really hope that the rumours about "Rakuten" weren't false, and that they'll become our new shirt-sponsor.
Also I'm curious who'll become our next sporting-director now, Braida I suppose?
eleccionsfcb 8:34pm via Twitter for Android
A les 21h TV3 farà pública una enquesta feta a 3.000 #socisFCB. Serà una 1a aproximació però l'escrutini comença a les 21h #eleccionsfcb
And others seem to confirm it too:
sorluciacaram 8:28pm via Twitter for Android
Os adelanto que @jmbartomeu es el nuevo Presidente del mejor club del mundo.Los socios han votado con responsabilidad
Pro-Bartomeu journalist Albert Lesan writing that Bartomeu will win it, meh.
albertlesan 8:26pm via Twitter for iPhone
Os lo digo ya. En 25 minutos lo confirman en TV3. Bartomeu será nuevo presidente del Barça.
In the past few days EMD have been campaigning for Bartomeu like hell (trying to put Laporta in a bad daylight all the time), but it's still not clear to me what's the connection between Bartomeu/Rosell and EMD (or the Grupo godo in general). Do Bartomeu/Rosell own the Grupo Godo, or do they...
The voting finishes at 21:00. Afterwards we will already know some first results from the surveys; but I expect the official result to be released somewhere around midnight.
Doesn't mean much imho. The younger people (who're active on IG/Twitter) are mostly going to choose Laporta I think, while the older conservative ones (who're not on the social media) will vote more for Bartomeu imho.
Perfect timing, lol.
Raiola (agent Pogba): "If Laporta wins the presidential elections, there's a big chance that Pogba will end up at Barcelona." [efe]