Thanks :)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Marc Muniesa joins Stoke, mainly because he thought Mark Hughes promised tiki-taka football, when in reality he said "kicky-clatter".</p>— Simon Harrison (@simonhfootball) <a...
He draws three players then slips a perfect pass with his weaker foot to unmarked Andres. If it was the other way around all the hipsters would use it as another example where the goal goalscorer gets all the credit when Iniesta did all the unheralded work that only a true football connoisseur...
Messi hype :shakeshead:. If this was 2006 or 2007 and he was still a young talent you could call it hype.We arent talking about Neymar. This is someone who has been at the top for 6 years. Improving performance and numbers every year. No hype here just facts.
:beer2: I realized I was agreeing by the end. Another example is not one of them knew Tito would be named coach. Things like that used to be covers before they were officially confirmed. Such as when Pep got the job.
MD writers are not consensus writers so just because one journalist says something different to the other doesnt mean its 'rubbished' one way or the other. Some were certain Valdes would renew his contract. One or two filtered that he would not. Puyol was heading to Milan because he was upset...
Xavi picked the order after the first 5 penalties.
:xavi: :pep: