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  1. Petrinha

    Iker Casillas

    in one aspect yes - many men d say for any photoshoped women full of make up wow while we girls respect more naturally beautiful women :) Yup, also can be all that photogenic stuff, d be best to see her alive and judge :D But i like her as she seams sweet and doing something in life in...
  2. Petrinha

    Iker Casillas

    Not true Koko, at least with girls here, look at our women thread here, we girls put many pretty women and men do concur and reverse + most men don't have same tastes either ... Sara is good looking girl overal, no doubt, sweet, has beautiful eyes and has a nice style, liked her reportages while...
  3. Petrinha


    From your mouth to God's ears !! :)
  4. Petrinha

    Iker Casillas

    Hero!!!! :D
  5. Petrinha

    Diego Forlan

    He is a kind of a player u cannot but love him, fighter and a leader on and off the field ... didn't know before(just red yesterday) that when he was 12 his 5 years older sister got paralised in the car crash(her bf killed) and lil Diego promised he will become a big player earning money for her...
  6. Petrinha

    Carlos Dunga

    Everything with Dunga started back in 2006 when CBF put him as a coach(coz there was too much partying going around so tehy thought he can bring in the discipline) ... a guy that never coached any team. Since that day he formed the base of the team and it almost didn´t change until today. No...
  7. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    Ehehehe u have a point Hilal ;) your new avatar :D
  8. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    I knowwww ;) U r right, he is handsome but stil has that childish side that makes him cute and adorable :D So, u r one more Piq lover, welcome to the club !!!
  9. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    Yeah, a time traveler :D
  10. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    yup It's funny, years passed but Cesc looks the same frozen in time :D
  11. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    Yup and do not forget he can score in crucial moments :D
  12. Petrinha

    Fernando Torres

    Exactly, saw it many times in a rerun now, it looked theatral but was NOT diving at all ... Chilean hit him in the leg, he missed a step and he fell as he tangled(damn dunno the right expression in eng) on his other foot ... Also, it was not for yellow as was unintentional foul that didn't...
  13. Petrinha

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    It's tomorrow hehe, but u guys cannot wait :) ¡Feliz cumpleaños, la Pulga!
  14. Petrinha


    It's a typical balkan mentality - we can do kangeroos(or any other 'non serious' team in our head easily) ... all i wrote above stands though, but mentality is hardly changable ...
  15. Petrinha


    Exactly :beer2: Just imagine how it d be like if Yugoslavia stayed together, what super power squad that d be and stil way way smaller then most of the countries participants :p
  16. Petrinha


    Exactly!! I love Brazil and follow brazilian league, but as a national 'we r above all' team they r all i said earlier ...
  17. Petrinha


    Yeah, i really did like them long time ago, but last 10 years they became a bunch of overrated dicks full of themselves justifying that by the old glory ... my brazilian friends think the same ... not to mention they cannot stand Dunga ideas lol ... they can show their 5 times up their ass as...
  18. Petrinha


    Hehe nice expression, but i hope Brazil won't go to the finals ...
  19. Petrinha

    New members

    Welcome Sanjib and everybody else :wave:
  20. Petrinha

    Other Leagues

    :D Exactly, he really had it all. Hehe true, if Ćiro didnt send him off he d maybe never play home matches at Marakana, Nou Camp or Santiago Bernabeu, so tnx to him indeed ;)

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