Think I read that Suarez's dad played in the same team as Cavani's dad !!!
Also crazy to think that two amazing players / strikers
could be born a few miles apart - with a three month gap !!
I'm thinking that Messi has a problem with Dybala which is why he doesn't play . If Messi rated him he's surely got enough clout to get him some playing time ??
I'd play him in centre-mid ( the Xavi role ) but he'd need Chelsea's Kante by his side to do all the work ...
Kante was good today but my mate Pogba outstanding..
Guess it means we will have Messi for Barca if it's his last international game today...
Then when Cronaldo gets his 6th World player then Messi will hopefully be inspired to have the season of his life !?!
Last sub on Meza !!!!
This player had a nightmare the last time he came on - how can he be a better option than Dybala ?!
Don't get it at all ... rumours suggesting Messi doesn't want him in the team ? Surely not ??