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  1. innniesta

    2011 CL Final: FC Barcelona - Manchester United FC 3-1 - Champions!

    i've watched a couple of united games as my friends and my dad support them and i have to admit they have been deadly. hernandez is a pretty sick striker and always gets into dangerous positions and rooney delivers some pretty good passes to him. Similar to messi and villa ticking @ the...
  2. innniesta

    2011 CL Final: FC Barcelona - Manchester United FC 3-1 - Champions!

    well if we do make as many chances van der sar is no st iker..
  3. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    what the shaktar coach said is pretty insulting to barcelona tho.. pretty sayin barca are only better than them because of messi. I hope the team dont get mad that messi's getting too much recognition and they arent or anything stupid like what you see in movies
  4. innniesta

    Lionel Messi .v. Cristiano Ronaldo

    It's ridiculus really, i think i should stop watching messi play. He makes my level of expectation go up so much more. When i watch other players miss a shot i always just think messi woulda nailed that. He just makes it look SOOO easy. He even makes villa, one of the worlds best strikers...
  5. innniesta

    El Clasico 10/11: FC Barcelona - Real Madrid 5-0 Manita!

    i think pep got his tactics perfect today. He knew mourinho would try and shut down messi so instead of playing messi as a striker he instructed messi to be more of a midfielder. RM had no answers to xavi,iniesta and messi and as a result messi played a part in almost every goal =D
  6. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    imagine they made a rule where penalties or freekicks can only be taken by the person that got fouled. ronaldos goal tally would be cut in half
  7. innniesta

    if you were made barcelona's coach...

    what changes would you make this winter or next season? eg. Formation changes/buying players/selling players and whatever you can think of. Lets make this reasonable so while people that are unlikely to leave their teams for this threads sake lets pretend they do and we can add them, but not...
  8. innniesta

    Gerard Piqué

    lol man some people's comments are what makes being a star shit. So you expect every soccer player to be 200% serious all of the time, not allowed to joke around or do anything that might "ruin" his image or make him seem immature. He's in his bloody 20's, you expect him to be like a 50 year old...
  9. innniesta

    Xavi Hernández

    holy crap gingerless im from adelaide australia too =S
  10. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    the goal keepers he plays against must need to spend months at the psychologist after versing messi =S
  11. innniesta

    Bojan Krkic

    the problem i see with bojan is, despite is bad form, even if he does step it up i dont think he brings anything new to the table for barcelona. What i mean is, even if he does hit form, he doesnt seem to have something different barcelona could use in attack. we already have 2 deadly small...
  12. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    i reallllly dont think messi is selfish. I think messi is actually one of the smartest forwards in todays time. Being selfish would be trying to get a goal even if it is much easier to pass to your teammate (hello cr7). But when messi is in a sticky situation he will often pass it. The times he...
  13. innniesta

    Jose Mourinho

    well i've got to give credit to mourinho. real madrid have always had an all star line up but it was always ok as they never had a good defence. Though their defence still isnt GREAT but it is certainly better and their attack is now starting to click. When kaka comes back and IF they get rooney...
  14. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    his scoring alot but he seems a lot less sharp than last season. I hope its nothing permanent or anything but its been like this for a while i think even before his injury. If it was last season when he was running at those 2-3 defenders with villa on his right i could've put my house on him...
  15. innniesta

    Real Madrid (old thread)

    i would love to see how madrid will do against a team like chelsea or inter. Due to real madrids early exits in the past few years its rare to watch BIG games with madrid involved
  16. innniesta

    Real Madrid (old thread)

    i think the problem was milan lost the midfield battle. Sure milan have a all star attacking but besides long balls they really had no great passes played to them
  17. innniesta

    how did you become a barca fan ?

    I was just wondering how other people became barcelona fans. Was it because of a player? the way they play? barcelona's where you live ? anything. Well for me, this is probably gonna sound pretty stupid but here it goes. I never even liked football/soccer but really enjoyed the fifa games. But...
  18. innniesta

    Real Madrid (old thread)

    the classico this season will be very interesting imo. You think madrid can get one on us ?
  19. innniesta

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    haha that passing video is amazing. Anyway, how did messi do vs japan ? i watched the highlights seemed he had a pretty good game. Seems he cant finish in the NT though =(
  20. innniesta

    Best free kick taker?

    has there been a poll made about this topic involving all the best free kick takers of all time? i think that would be quiet interesting, including players like beckham, r.carlos (not sure if hes great i just saw one free kick from france that bedazzled me) and other FK takers

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