1 - Victor Valdes

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Valdes is an awesome shot stopper especially 1vs1 one of the best around, all keepers make stupid mistakes, i rate Buffon as the best keeper in the world & he had a complete howler (similar to Valdes) last season & lost his team points, but it happens to the best of them, and people calling for Cech :lol: had a howler last game & fucks up alot more than Valdes.

Goalkeepers & Defenders get no love every mistake is magnified.


Goalkeepers & Defenders get no love every mistake is magnified.

thats so true. it was beast who praised ozil and cr against barca and highlighted that one of them scored and the other assisted. i mean this is just hilarious. while valdes get smashed every time he makes mistakes which is like 0.01% of all this plays, nothing to compare how many shots the strikers will miss or how many balls midfielders lost in midfield which could be equally costly to this game. i think xavi said that he hates when a player scores a goal, although he plays absolutely shit (like they did) and they still get praised my media. what they do is that they say that CR has scored that many goals against barca or something but forgeting that the most expesive player in history barely got a touch in this game, not to mention poor mezut who still wondering in busquets' pocket. while the defenders and goalkeepers get absoutely smashed after their mistakes, no matter how much they strikers miss. torres is so horrible, but whenever he scores a goal they say he is back, but he is never back because he scored a goal, he will never be because he is just horrible and lost almost everything he had. looking at the last game and look what barceloan defenders did to real madrid counter attacks, they all deserves ballon dors and golnden balls and whatever individual trophies there are out, but instead it will be remembered as the game where CR yet again scored against barca and he is a big game player now. although his header was great and he has always been one of the best in that, but that doesn't really affect his performance too much in my eyes. que injusticia!
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Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
thats so true. it was beast who praised ozil and cr against barca and highlighted that one of them scored and the other assisted. i mean this is just hilarious. i think xavi said that he hates when a player scores a goal, although he plays absolutely shit (like they did) and they still get praised my media. what they do is that they say that CR has scored that many goals against barca or something but forgeting that the most expesive player in history barely got a touch in this game, not to mention poor mezut who still wondering in busquets' pocket. while the defenders and goalkeepers get absoutely smashed after their mistakes, no matter how much they strikers miss. torres is so horrible, but whenever he scores a goal they say he is back, but he is never back because he scored a goal, he will never be because he is just horrible and lost almost everything he had. looking at the last game and look what barceloan defenders did to real madrid counter attacks, they all deserves ballon dors and golnden balls and whatever individual trophies there are out, but instead it will be remembered as the game where CR yet again scored against barca and he is a big game player now. que injusticia!


Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Would you say Iker, Neuer, Cech, whomever, would be a better keeper for Barca than Valdes if they started to play the ball to defenders feet?

Difficult to say, but Iker still hoofs it up for Spain. I can't see Cech doing it either, Casillas is much more composed than him... Neuer? Not sure tbh

King Leo

Pinto should have played the game. There was lots of chatter about Pinto playing the first leg of the Classico. He had a very good pre-season and he sure deserves the chance to play more and especially the big games.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
thats so true. it was beast who praised ozil and cr against barca and highlighted that one of them scored and the other assisted. i mean this is just hilarious. while valdes get smashed every time he makes mistakes which is like 0.01% of all this plays, nothing to compare how many shots the strikers will miss or how many balls midfielders lost in midfield which could be equally costly to this game. i think xavi said that he hates when a player scores a goal, although he plays absolutely shit (like they did) and they still get praised my media. what they do is that they say that CR has scored that many goals against barca or something but forgeting that the most expesive player in history barely got a touch in this game, not to mention poor mezut who still wondering in busquets' pocket. while the defenders and goalkeepers get absoutely smashed after their mistakes, no matter how much they strikers miss. torres is so horrible, but whenever he scores a goal they say he is back, but he is never back because he scored a goal, he will never be because he is just horrible and lost almost everything he had. looking at the last game and look what barceloan defenders did to real madrid counter attacks, they all deserves ballon dors and golnden balls and whatever individual trophies there are out, but instead it will be remembered as the game where CR yet again scored against barca and he is a big game player now. although his header was great and he has always been one of the best in that, but that doesn't really affect his performance too much in my eyes. que injusticia!

Great post, but next time use paragraphs please. :lol:

El Gato

well, if you can read between the lines, they wouldn't be nowhere near what valdes has done.

STRONGLY doubt it, but that's not a reason to argue over.

And I agree with the fact that defenders and keepers are underrated. It's the story of the game though. Football is nowhere near as balanced in terms of praise given to the players as basketball or say volleyball are.

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