If Carlsberg did forum members
but being so stupid is a didease
but being so stupid is a didease
Trolling like fruitlessly chasing girls on an internet football forum?
but being so stupid is a disease hahaha
by the way
it should be messi's page , so why do i see clips for other players + stupid comments from anti messi ^_^
just enjoy it super stupido lol
Hardly shocking, its widely known, even the subject of many parody's
And I always said the same about Kaka' when he was at Milan, so no, its not an anti Barca thing, I just don't agree that players should be able to use past medical problems as away to boost their physique unnaturally.
Being short isn't a disease.
messi had the same deficiency midgets so serg is rightlol your ignorance is amusing. i hope you're not actually this stupid
HUH? nooo noooo,nooo.Messi hasn't got 31 goals Ronaldo doesn't have 29 goals, more like 30, didn't you see marca? He's the real pichichi!!In Marca we trustmessi shoot 139 to score 31 goals
ronaldo shoot over 220 to score 29 & let's not 4get 6 penalties
Obvious sarcasm, I was just having a go at Marca and their biased shit.(They had put CR7 as Pichichi with 30 goals even though he had only scored 29Either this thread is going 'anti Messi' or im not getting some people's sarcasm...
Obvious sarcasm, I was just having a go at Marca and their biased shit.(They had put CR7 as Pichichi with 30 goals even though he had only scored 29)
To be fair to Ronaldo..he is better than Robinho and Robben combined.