No. Messi is beyond them, when talked about final balls and vision. Messi can do any pass that they do, and he does more ridiculous passes, more regularly. Messi is the only person who I've ever seen giving a perfectly weighted ground balls, that cut through whole teams.In general Fabregas/Xavi/Iniesta are all also able to make brilliant passes and are definitely on Messi's level if not better in terms of passing/vision (Iniesta's trademark crazy passes from the opposing goal line to find a player open in a crowded box without even looking..Xavi we all know obviously has a ridiculously flawless sense of timing/weight for passes and crazy vision etc..)

Final ball statistics
League 09-13
Through Balls
129 Messi
103 Fabregas
84 Xavi
73 Iniesta
56 Messi
43 Fabregas
36 Xavi
33 Iniesta
Key Passes
293 Xavi
270 Messi
257 Fabregas
174 Iniesta
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