10 - Lionel Messi - v5


New member
Are people really denying our system is the problem? Jesus, certain people really deserve our genius Lucho as coach.


La Masia
Messi usually tracks back when the game is on the line and when he loses the ball. He tries to recover it. Apart from that, he doesn't contribute much defensively, but that's not an issue.

The issue is that he should move a bit more to receive the ball in more favorable positions, and this is something I expect a new coach who knows the art of positional play and movement will fix, or hide so it doesn't become an issue.

I think you hit the nail on the head that he should move a bit more to receive the ball in more favorable positions, many times Barca have the ball and are looking to pass to Messi but because he's walking or even standing, he's marked, so they can't get the ball to him. It's like he always needs the ball directly to his feet without him having to move even an inch to get it. Defensively there's no issue, he's not a defender.
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Suarez is staying up front? Are people for real? He presses like crazy every game.
Messi doesn't track back? Messi barely tracks back, ever, and if tactics were actually working he wouldn't have to. He is already responsible for creating all of our attacks, finishing most of them... and some guys want him to play right back too now? Some points of view never fail to amaze me on here. Strange that the "Messi doesn't run" comments never appear when he bangs in 3 and gives a couple of assists. Guess what, he also doesn't run much then.

I'd say it again Messi never helps defensively.
I never said he doesn't run. When was the last time you saw Messi in our defensive half, not cordinating the midfield?

El Flaco

Active member


New member
I'd say it again Messi never helps defensively.
I never said he doesn't run. When was the last time you saw Messi in our defensive half, not cordinating the midfield?

I wouldn't want him there. Messi's the one player who you can build a team around and you don't need him to defend for the most part. This is a guy who'll create several good chances every game, can make things happen whenever he has the ball at his feet and usually score in a game.


New member
This year's score is misleading. His assists should be tripled what it is and that would increased his rating by a lot. Messi has been playing at an extremely high level. But he needs to bring his teammates to that level also.

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