first post in this forum ! the ball movement is a weakpoint of messi i know the reason but dont tell. too much for kids to understand and dangerous topics about fitness

most of you have no clue what it takes to be a pro footballer and what with the body happens when you are pro athelete for many years and im not talking about injurys

it something which every footballer today needs to be a pro not only messi but most football fans are kids or couch footballers and dont know what happens behind the scenes

2.messi is not a burden like raul . he had some good gameplays and to hit from his angle with his left foot is harder than the shot from neymar ! neymar dribbled inside and had a easier shot ! imagine this shot from messi ! these types of shot he is a expert . imagine he came from the right side and dribbled inside . these shots are his special shots . how you can compare the chance of neymar with messi ?! the same world cup final it had the same difficult angle for left footers.
3.ronaldo played good off the ball he passes the ball most back and runs to the right rooms . real madrid have at the moment with modric the best playmaker in the world . enrique lost it with buying gomes arda paco for 100 mio . its funny how a big game club like barca couldnt buy a right central player . gündogan would have been ideal to our club .
4. i dont think messi lost the big game mentality ! but he tries to help in the central too much he cant be everywhere ! ?! i know most here are dissapointed ME TOO. but what some here are talkin is BULLSHIT AS IT FINEST .
5. i love suarez but other than the goal he did nothin like some here said the destroyed many passes . but it is nothin new . he is a player who played good off the ball running in the right rooms like cr7 .