Way I see it, buck stops at the top _ if I'm the Prez, then I'm in charge and that's it!
As a commander, you have to be self-assured and draw boundaries. Hell if I'd let 20 smthg spoiled idiots even dream of putting pressure on the club.
Judoman is right, Messi deserves respect for all he's done and I'd have many a pow wow with the dude cuz I like him a lot

I'd tell him my vision for the club and then, we'd talk about golf or I dunno, the latest asteroid sighting
when it comes to big decisions and steering the ship, there's only 1 bossman and it's Moi! I'd rule it commando style and all mutineers would walk the plank
Set up a chain of command and run it spartan style and transfer ageing players way before they start declining to get max value

So far that, would also need a top scouting department.
Every1's making fun of our club now and rightfully so cuz Barto turned us into this mega budget el seniors cocoon flop med who gets flap slapped by clubs a 10th its size! Dude should read some Sun Tzu. Battle was lost before it even began
We lost all street cred and even with Messi, there's zero fear factor left. Small teams coming at us full blast, hungry to make a name for themselves.
We need to find the eye of the tiger back and give the fans the inspiration they deserve. And if we lose, so what! but let's lose fighting with fire and passion ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪●)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿