Probably Kempes is underrated, but nobody is talking about him or Batistuta as one of the best players ever. For sure the victory vs ENG was seen as a revenge, a rematch (after losing the "war" for the falklands islands) and for sure scoring with a hand and scoring a fantastic solo goal (goal of the century) made the revange even more exquisite and raised him to a demigod.... and after winning the wc to a god.
But this has nothing to do in order to judge his performance at the wc, 5 goals and 5 assists for the 14 goals that ARG scored (Kempes, 6 goals, 0 assist, ARG 15 goals), but not even that, his global performance in the wc 86 has been out of this world.
That doesn't mean that he made it alone, that's a myth, arg was a very good team: the team was built on a golden generation, full of arg players who won the copa libertadores(Idipendiente 1984, Argentinos Juniors 1985 and River Plate 1986).
Said that, for me he's not a extravert but a clown (btw he's the main responsable for the failure of Argentina at the wc 2010)
For me as soccer player a genius, as person

And I agree with Kempes "Messi doesn’t need a world cup to be the best in history" , "Diego’s time has passed, nor is it an example to say so many things.”