11/12 Lliga: Real Madrid - FC Barcelona 1-3


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
Real Madrid won in Amsterdam yesterday heading in to the first Liga Clasico. Just like they did last year heading in to the first Liga Clasico.

*NO JINX!!!*


New member
There's no doubt that with this match Barcelona will lock horns with the toughest opponent they've faced in the Guardiola's era. But people tend to forget that Pep also has the best side he's ever had and this Barcelona squad has enough quality to trash Real on saturday. All they need is that mental strength that the coach installed into them when he started at this club. If they keep their cool and play to their own strengths, 3 points should not be that hard to get.


Like I said, Madrid are too cocky now, lets put them down a peg or two

What exactly indicates that they are cocky? It's a Mourinho coached team. They are as disciplined and aware as a team can be.


previously known as Jonathan28
What exactly indicates that they are cocky? It's a Mourinho coached team. They are as disciplined and aware as a team can be.

Not te players nesseccarily, but the fans are the media are. I wouldn't be surprised if it had filtered down to the players though. They are human after all.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
I think that the most fascinating thing about this Clasico is the level of work rate Mourinho has Real Madrid committing to every game. both Chelsea (09) and Inter (10) were defensively orientated but got lucky goals (Essien's wunderstrike and Inter's personal volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, allowing them to gradually wear down an exhausted team after 14-hour, 2-day, 982km road trip). However, both of those teams weren't as dynamic from an attacking point that this Real Madrid team is. This Real Madrid team is capable of defending (viciously, if need be), stifling Barça's attack through sustained pressure, and attacking Barça's defense both via possession and the counter-attack. Real Madrid is the proverbial "Blood Pack" to Barça's "Blade".

But Barça has already faced this team twice, and escaped with a lucky draw (thank you, MaraVilla) and a classic 3-2 win (thank you, Cesc Fabregas) despite being fatigued and out-played over 180 minutes. And it's really that performace in the SuperCopa that has me hesitant to declare that Real Madrid will finally reverse Pep's success in the Bernabeau. There is something about Barça that just doesn't allow them to quit in big matches. We've seen it since the Pep-era started. Doesn't matter what the situation is or who is missing in defence (or attack for that matter), they find a way to win. The only failure was vs Inter, and they had massive help from a freaking volcano (we'll ignore the ref's missed penalty in the 1st leg in lieu of Sergio Busquets playing peek-a-boo in the 2nd leg).

Maybe I'm just trying to rationalize my denial. maybe I'm just drinking the kool-aid. I dunno. This is going to be a heart-pounding, nerve-wracking, ugly, UGLY, game. If we escape with a draw I'd be happy.

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