14 - Javier Mascherano


He is a nightmare at CB and everyone can see it , the guy is a terrific midfield player .
A midfield of Masch, Messi and Rakatic should be tried and Mascherano should be nowhere near that defensive line.
Pique should be sold .......TODAY.

Who should start at CB then? Pique? Bartra? For now maybe Bartra and Mathieu as CB's and Masch at mid might work if all 3 are on form. That is the only way.
Who should start at CB then? Pique? Bartra? For now maybe Bartra and Mathieu as CB's and Masch at mid might work if all 3 are on form. That is the only way.

Batra and Mathieu should have been CB , Pique is a disaster of a player and has been ever since Puyol quit paying .
I wonder how many times this guy is going to be allowed to embarrass the team .
Okay. Maybe mathieu is better. But he is also not that far. And Bartra does not have the physique to play in big games. He hesitates to dive into tackles and can easily be beaten one on one.

and Pique has the physique and can't be beaten one on one ?
Are you for real ?


and Pique has the physique and can't be beaten one on one ?
Are you for real ?

It is true. Bartra gets thrown by forwards very easily. He need to bulk up. Plus he never dives into tackles. Who will do the dirty work if we don't play masch? I did not say anything about pique.. he is not good for anything.

I am not saying Bartra does not have what it takes to make it, but he also should improve in those two areas. Good positioning is not enough you need to do more dirty work and also be a fearful and commanding character in defense like puyol or kompany or silva or vidic ..... Barca clearly needs a leader in defense. Masch can do it but he sucks in aerial duels and is more suited to midfield. Bartra has passion. But that is not enough.
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New member
Let's try a back line of Montoya, Bartra, Mathieu and Alba with Mascherano protecting them. It might not work but I can guarantee we won't taken apart on the counter like we do with our other ridiculous combinations.

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