19 - Lamine Yamal


Well-known member
99 percent of human beings are sheep who actually subconsciously desire to be led. You have all been brainwashed into letting the powers that be decide for you what you should and should not be offended by. They must be laughing their tits off at how easy you follow them.

THE STRENGTH OF AN INSULT IS TOTALLY BASED ON THE FEELINGS OF THE RECIPIENT. That's what everyone is missing here. Yes, that means that a mother who has her child killed can be more offended by someone that insulted the length of her nose than someone insulting her dead child. And in that rare and specific case, the insult about her nose HOLDS MORE WEIGHT TO IT.

The idea that there is a blanket hierarchy of most offensive insults is fucking hilarious. How the fuck can the government tell us what we should and should not care about? It's specific to the experiences of the individual.
What if the perpetrator of the insult created the wound that makes the insult hurtful?
If I rape your mother and I brag every day how I raped her because she is a slut is that freedom of speech?


Senior Member
Fascism was buit on this crying about others and wanting others to shut up or dissappear.
Fascism arose as opposition to nation wrecking communism. Also socialism, but built to put survival and needs of title nation first, as opposed to destroying it for the needs of (((global elite))).


Well-known member
Fascism arose as opposition to nation wrecking communism. Also socialism, but built to put survival and needs of title nation first, as opposed to destroying it for the needs of (((global elite))).
Nation is a leftist idea, all the govs in italy were either liberal-nationalist or conservative.
in Italy and Germany.
Communism was followed by some workers and some leftover students and rised only in Germany because nationalism and conservatives fucked up Germany.

what "nation wreaking" by the left?
If you take fascist leaders they were all low iq slumbers that were used by the elites and masses to garner populism but they ended up in charge while being useful idiots.
In this you are right both the masses and elites view their crying about jews, capitalism, bankers as a way to get free money.


Well-known member
So please, you uneducated monkeys, don't ever talk about free speaker rightd being a fascist, or about wokism. Fascism is about crying and being a victim, rallying the idiots to take vengeance on your personal "enemies" those with bigger brains, purses and status for you to became elites.
So, fucking lossers, experts in nothing like Hitler, Mussolini became aristocrats, despots while being monkeys like Vinicius from European favelas.
Fascism is gaining status by hystericals among idiots and idiots waving flags.
That's it.
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Well-known member
Before leftists + (The jews) a nation was the cast of aristocrats, linked by blood and status.
@Gnidrologist the masses were not part of the nation but of the people, like in populism. Maybe you have links with the nation due to rapping being common amongst the low born, but nevertheless you were not a human with full rights or part of the nation.

So you crying daily about jews killing a leftist idea while hatting the left that gave you access to your beloved nation is absolutely low IQ.

:)If you are not a baron from XVI century it makes no sense to me wtf you are bitching about daily.


Well-known member
Racism is targeting a black player for being black and is irelevant how he is called and that should be illegal.
And it is. That doesn't mean we should absolutely excuse Black players of all responsibilities towards their colleagues society and portray every attack as racism.
That's the core of the debate. If Vinicius is called a monkey for being black or just because he is acting like a clown. While I am not excluding the racist elements it seems based on the evidence that he is targeted for his behavior not color.


Well-known member
Some of the people have classified his treatment of racism as immature, but I disagree with that. He handles it very well. Like Gnidro said above in one post: all those people really want is to destabilize your performance on the pitch, I don't even think most of them have anything against black people at all. Sounds illogical, but that's how it works. I can definitely imagine a person who hangs out with several black people everyday and then calls Vini a monkey when he comes to play in his town.


Well-known member
I dislike Vinicious as the next motherfucker.. but based on how little educated and ill-informed you are, I will safely say u are closer to a monkey perhaps than vinicious himself.
I don't care what you dislike, you bring no information to the debate. You cry like that fascist low iq if people aren't following your standards.
As for education I highly doubt you read anything of value but I will stand here to be corrected by you.
Less talking gibberish and more imput. Let's go.


Senior Member
Staff member
It's obvious there are people who lack proper education. Not because of specifics that are taught in school but because their critical thinking hasn't been challenged. There's never been a reason to use their brain in another way than what's comfortable.

It's not that hard to understand why you shouldn't call black people monkeys and other mainstream slurs even if it's legal to do so. I'm sure you wouldn't you wouldn't call your co-worker or friend that to their face. Why? Because it's so disrespectful. The part why it's disrespectful is what some people are missing in their brains.

Clearly some people like to spice up their posts by adding triggering words so that it gets more traction even if it's completely unnecessary.
There will always be idiots in this world, idiots that racially abuse Vini and Yamal or use it on a football forum because they think it will enhance their post.

I believe (lack of) common sense is the correct wording. It's either that or you actually believe black people are worth less as human beings.


Well-known member
It's obvious there are people who lack proper education. Not because of specifics that are taught in school but because their critical thinking hasn't been challenged. There's never been a reason to use their brain in another way than what's comfortable.

It's not that hard to understand why you shouldn't call black people monkeys and other mainstream slurs even if it's legal to do so. I'm sure you wouldn't you wouldn't call your co-worker or friend that to their face. Why? Because it's so disrespectful. The part why it's disrespectful is what some people are missing in their brains.

Clearly some people like to spice up their posts by adding triggering words so that it gets more traction even if it's completely unnecessary.
There will always be idiots in this world, idiots that racially abuse Vini and Yamal or use it on a football forum because they think it will enhance their post.

I believe (lack of) common sense is the correct wording. It's either that or you actually believe black people are worth less as human beings.
Pretty sure nobody above said it's ok. But it's a social occurence that is mostly unstoppable. You don't have to support it in order to be able to identify the reason behind why it happens so often, and hence understand how to deal with it.

Vinicius thinks it's because those fans really hate black people as a whole. In reality it's mostly because they want to rattle him so he performs worse. In either case it sucks and should be punished.

But not much beyond that. No need for "hunting" racists like Vinicius phrased it several times, he just gives those people a sign that their plan is working.

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