Senior Member
Sure as fuck he is fit he was up and down those steps like a fucking rabbit getting news to Gavis parents on Sunday.
That was nice from him. Meanwhile captain ter Stegen was just sitting there.
Aye..and correctly so.. MATS has a busted knee to protect.
Looked comfortable walking while inserting himself in Supercopa celebrations.
Put on his GK kit too. It was funny.
Yes.. no one said he cant walk.
Glad you agree.
You also believe he would check on Gavi(as captain and human should) if he wasn't injured?
Yes I agree he can walk.
Couldnt really care less who talked to Gavis family at that point but would be moronic for MATS to be bounding up and down steps to do it.
'As a captain and a human'.
Yep. Well done to Olmo to go and check on his teammate and reassure parents watching his son sustaining possible injury.
Barca captain Stegen didn't do that and he wouldn't do that. He's not the type not is he a leader.
He does lead to insert himself in trophy celebrations though
Barca captain Araujo the dumbest human in the stadium telling Dr to keep him on.
Couldnt care less who celebrates. Good on him.
Changing topics is a standard deflection tactic. Glad you conceded.
He just so badly wants media attention.Tebas is only doing what he legally has to here.. it is no personal vendetta and would bet bottom dollar he wants Olmo to be registered.
That way he can save face with all the other clubs who think Barca broke the rules.
He has no choice but to go down this route and as ever despite what folk think he doesnt have the ability as an individual to make and enforce these rules anyway.
Needs to stop running his mouth at times though. Does it too often.