What are your top 5 players of the tournament so far? For me,
1. Robben
2. James Rodriguez
3. Messi
4. Muller
5. Neymar
What are your top 5 players of the tournament so far? For me,
1. Robben
2. James Rodriguez
3. Messi
4. Muller
5. Neymar
1. Robben
2. James Rodriguez
3. Messi
4. Neymar
5. Müller
TIP: If you ever make it on the big screen, ALWAYS make the most of it.
[video]https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/09F9F8244A1092892368543309824_26dca596279.0.4.1526 7178649808893943.mp4?versionId=AjyFG1dAUCOY3bX9DMt SItne.lVYwlAC[/video]
There was a lot of empty seats in the Netherlands vs Mexico game.