Senior Member
No, he is completely retarded scratched record that goes on and on in a loop for a decade at least. He has no insights. When you read first line of his yet another essay, you already know the content of entire post, and if you're not dumb enough to waste time, you skip it to the end and see the exact conclusion that you already knew he'd BBZ is somewhat a voice of reason here, he's had his bad takes over the years but keeps the forum grounded. We hyped up so many youngsters who amounted to jack shit.
Many low IQs here seem enamored by the longevity of his posts and seeming "analysis" with all sorts of numbers and historical anecdote, but those, who actually see his content for what it is, like actually dissected it paragraph by paragraph (like i an many other did in the past), know long ago, he has nothing of value to contribute.
Yes, any youngster is unpredictable. No fucking shit. Lot of them get hyped by overenthusiastic fans too much, some of them make it big, some mediocre, some shit. By shitting on all of them and going against hype you just go for low hanging fruit, which is only skill that BBZ possessess. Stating captain obvious shit that no intelligent people care of, because they knew it already. But this guys spends an hour to shit out completely useless wall of text as there's nothing else his tiny brain could create. Many posters here are succinct and make more sense and interesting thoughts within paragraph or two, while he creates gigantic bunch of letters that have no value at all and are a complete borefest. No wonder his political/social views are equally clueless.
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