5 - Carles Puyol


Senior Member
Probably the only one that did good yesterday. Before the game Copenhagen said they would concentrate their preassure on him becouse he use more touches on the ball.


Staff member
Not a best match for Puyol tonight. I'm hoping it's just a matter of Barca taking it easy after leading 3-0 rather than signs of Puyol losing his sharpness.


He played his 500 game for Barça against villarreal... but I guess nothing was mentioned during the game, or was it?


He wasn't good today, got skinned once easily and had troubles with Cisse all night.


Improvin' Perfection!!
It wasn't exaactly a big game, now was it!? So how could you expect him to be a beast!? Wait for the Classico if you want to see the best of Puyi!!


Cardenal de Catalunya
Not only he got skinned a few times, but he had severe trouble with dealing with lots of especially Cissé.

The fact is, that despite "El Tiburón" is a club legend, he's not getting any younger. We really should start integrating some of our younger CB's into the team and I believe Fontás is actually just on time raising up.


Bomb Dropper
Puyol is a liability unless it's a big game, or in some middle games at the Camp Nou.

I believe in him, and I'm sure he'll raise his game for the big clashes (i.e. El Clasico) but as Plip says, we need to start looking at Fontas and Bartra more seriously.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
I believe that FCB should get Carles to impregnate 11 hot, athletic Catalan women in the hopes that that we will one day be able to field at least 3 or 4 of them in the first team. basically put him out to stud.

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