Puyi: "It's been a long time since I played. I'm training well and every day I feel better."
Puyi: "We didn't expect the last two results, but these things happen. We are working well to get there."
Puyi: "I hope for Iniesta to get better soon. It is a sight to see him play."
Puyi: "On the outside everything looks easier. But that impression is wrong, I suffered much these past eight months."
Puyi: "An injury is always bad but we are working hard like we've always been last season and now it's only a matter of luck."
Puyi: "We defend as a team and attack as a team. It's not anyone's fault."
Puyi: "We do not want to hear what people on the outside say too much. The team is working well, we are not worried. The results will come."
Puyi: "You should see us in training. The intensity within the group is high."
Puyi: "We were good, these are not disasters. Two draws hurt but the team are still hungry."
Puyi: "Perhaps what we need is more concentration."
Puyi: "Every day I am better. The pain has disappeared completely