7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1


New member
our front three is too slow if he plays LW, i prefer him playing next to rakitic / arthur as a LCM

dembele or malcom is necessary for the counters in my opinion and today we had plenty of chances but no pace.


Senior Member


Senior Member
I think it's very demanding for Coutinho to play as a false winger, then play in midfield as well and create superiority while still coming back with his man to help Alba. Because he did all those 3 things in the first half and it was visible that he got tired. It's a bit too much for him, and for any player as a matter of fact.


Active member
Such a fine game by Coutinho. At forward, his offensive contribution was even better than it has been when he's been playing midfield recently.

It was amazing how far he was dropping back on defense, even taking the far left position in the back 5. Playing 3 forwards, at least one of them has to drop back on d, the defensive energy he supplied yesterday was just what was needed.

And in midfield, his replacement Arthur was definitely better than Coutinho the midfielder has been recently.


Senior Member
So is everyone coming around to the fact that he isn't a midfielder now? Like I have been saying from the jump.

Plus Valverde isn't the at the level of coach needed to turn him into one, so he only really as 1 possible position get can play for us.

Having accept this fact & that fact Messi, is well Messi.

The decision for the coach/club then becomes very simple.

That decision is Dembele are saurez.

Who do we keep, who do we get rid off, are we going to go with Messi in the middle then goodbye saurez, if we will go with saurez or a new striker at the point, we will have to think about selling Dembele in the summer.


So is everyone coming around to the fact that he isn't a midfielder now? Like I have been saying from the jump.

Plus Valverde isn't the at the level of coach needed to turn him into one, so he only really as 1 possible position get can play for us.

Having accept this fact & that fact Messi, is well Messi.

The decision for the coach/club then becomes very simple.

That decision is Dembele are saurez.

Who do we keep, who do we get rid off, are we going to go with Messi in the middle then goodbye saurez, if we will go with saurez or a new striker at the point, we will have to think about selling Dembele in the summer.

Why? He’s been fine in midfield, for both club and country.

Doesn’t mean he can’t play LWF when needed, but I don’t think it’s his best position. Just like Iniesta could play there, but it wasn’t his either.


Best midfielder around
Quite slow, inconsistent, weak, poor finishing and just in general frustrating as fuck. Get it together, man.


He isn’t a wide forward. Half the board seem to think he’s a forward, the other half (inc. me) thunk he’s a midfielder. You lose a significant part of his game playing him outwide. He’s not a dud there, but his natural game lends itself far better to playing centrally, where he can break between the lines, create, and shoot. He lacks top level pace to be a true wide player on a consistent basis.


Active member
He isn’t a wide forward. Half the board seem to think he’s a forward, the other half (inc. me) thunk he’s a midfielder. You lose a significant part of his game playing him outwide. He’s not a dud there, but his natural game lends itself far better to playing centrally, where he can break between the lines, create, and shoot. He lacks top level pace to be a true wide player on a consistent basis.

100% agreed, he is not a Neymar replacement, Dembele is. So, why play him at LW, when he is not suited for that role.

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