8 - Pedri


Senior Member
Image Pedri playing as DM. 😂

Deeper not deep.
CM/AM hybrid.

You're welcome jamturd.

Yet another Shit take.

No one ever claimed he should be DM.. always claimed should be deeper in a two and takingf ball off defender more often and not waiting for ball through others.

You claimed fucking Gundigan and Gavi would be better there and 'Pedri has to be the most advanced midfielder'.


Nice try though..


Senior Member
Good game. Basically doing 2 man job at once. Also voted MOTM.

Imagine in 2 years he will get all the ball like current Kimmich in Bayern team.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Rewind to last season, when I had to go in to the Witness Protection Program for daring to claim he was better than Bellingham.

The difference, on the ball, between the two is an absolute chasm.

Most Barca fans still didn't see the light even after Pedri schooled Bellingham in the Euros final.

Another Messi Vs Ronaldo style debate. The difference levels between the two will just become more and more obvious as time goes on, as they did with Leo and Ron.


You're welcome
Rewind to last season, when I had to go in to the Witness Protection Program for daring to claim he was better than Bellingham.

The difference, on the ball, between the two is an absolute chasm.

Most Barca fans still didn't see the light even after Pedri schooled Bellingham in the Euros final.

Another Messi Vs Ronaldo style debate. The difference levels between the two will just become more and more obvious as time goes on, as they did with Leo and Ron.
I’m gonna make sure this W gets inaugurated in Barcaforum hall of fame


Senior Member
Rewind to last season, when I had to go in to the Witness Protection Program for daring to claim he was better than Bellingham.

The difference, on the ball, between the two is an absolute chasm.

Most Barca fans still didn't see the light even after Pedri schooled Bellingham in the Euros final.

Another Messi Vs Ronaldo style debate. The difference levels between the two will just become more and more obvious as time goes on, as they did with Leo and Ron.

Elite trolling.

Doft my cap.


Senior Member
Rewind to last season, when I had to go in to the Witness Protection Program for daring to claim he was better than Bellingham.

The difference, on the ball, between the two is an absolute chasm.

Most Barca fans still didn't see the light even after Pedri schooled Bellingham in the Euros final.

Another Messi Vs Ronaldo style debate. The difference levels between the two will just become more and more obvious as time goes on, as they did with Leo and Ron.

The brain trust on here is very very slow.

Don't worry others have said many inferior players were better than a fit in form Pedri.


Senior Member
The brain trust on here is very very slow.

Don't worry others have said many inferior players were better than a fit in form Pedri.

'Brains trust' from a guy that cant even spot the obvious trolling here.

Aye like Gavi being more unique and better in deep role than Pedri! Brainstrust stuff.

Pedri once played in way should be was always going to be top top.


Well-known member
Strength and conditioning isn't the field I'm the most into, but my best guess would be:
The biopsy showed he has a proportionally larger amount of type I and IIa muscle fibers, which could be reason for why he benefits from keeping a high frequency of games because:
- These types of fibers have a much better aerobic capacity, meaning they benefit from long, steady sessions, recover faster, metabolizes toxins faster and are more enduring.
- Respond better to more frequent training sessions, because they need high volumes to adapt.
- They can tolerate much higher volumes of training, so he might not be as explosive as Dembele for example, but will recover faster from the same sprinting session than Dembele will.
- Type 1 muscle fibers also atrophy faster, so again -> more frequents sessions.

So a player like Pedri would experience a relatively bigger loss in muscle strength and stamina compared to a normal player during a short break (even with a week or two), but can also recover faster and endure longer sessions with less muscle damage.

And if someone is able to recover well between games, then there's loads of general benefits that apply to keeping match rythm that reduce injury risk for all athletes:
- All our tissues in the body are incredibly specific in the way they adapt, meaning that generally the more specific you are in training in relation to your goals, the better (in general). So exposing him frequently to the exact demands of a football match will help his tissues adapt.
- He will be much better coordinated, have better neuromuscular connection and proprioception in his joints.
- Might be slight more mentally at ease during a match, which also makes a difference (Mental stress/nervousness is more often what leads to cramps than actual fatigue for example.)
- And in general many studies show even relatively short periods of relative inactivity (lack of high intensity sessions/games) increase the injury risk for athletes even if they are still in generally in good shape and keep regular excersise/training up.

This is all very general and theoretical speculating, might not be the reason at all why he is injured less now. Just as well could be because of luck or that he now sleeps more and better bc he got together with a hot chick or something. Could just be non-specific contextual effects aswell, but the above is my best guess without knowing what thes tests showed.
Top notch post, interesting read. Thanks a lot.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Rewind to last season, when I had to go in to the Witness Protection Program for daring to claim he was better than Bellingham.

The difference, on the ball, between the two is an absolute chasm.

Most Barca fans still didn't see the light even after Pedri schooled Bellingham in the Euros final.

Another Messi Vs Ronaldo style debate. The difference levels between the two will just become more and more obvious as time goes on, as they did with Leo and Ron.
Pedri didn't play in the final as injured, agreed otherwise

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