Agreed but it remains uncertain for me how he'll deal with those parked A380s that Barca faces almost every game... No space at all, big pressure on him especially with the defenders that will surely bully him as much as they can.
2/3 defenders on Suarez, 3/4 on Messi, 2 on Neymar thats 7 players occupied by just our forward line not to mention long range shooting Rocketic and the overlapping wingers. Plus both Suarez and Messi are extremeley efficient in working their way past multiple defenders and who can forget the set piece magnet Neymar giving them chances to work the keeper. On paper it would be one of the most devestating forward lines in the world. Suarez is a 25+ goals a season striker, Messi is a 30+ goals a season (both are for league only) and if Neyboy can contribute anything above 15-20+ we'll be the most devestating attacking team in Europe while being the most weak team facing counters and corners (again